We are pleased to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for Java 17.3. We have included some new features support along with resolution of outstanding issues in this release.

New Features

We have improved the support for export of presentation to HTML and now you can convert a presentation to HTML with embedded audio and video data. For more about supported feature, please visit the documentation article, Exporting presentation with embedded audio and video to HTML. We have also improved the external fonts loading support in this release and now you can load the external fonts inside a byte array in your application. For more details and working example, please visit the documentation article, Managing fonts externally. The support for verification of loaded file format has been improved after inclusion of support for identification of PowerPoint 95 files format. Please visit documentation article, Verifying file format for more details.

We have improved charting support and have included the support for getting absolute position values for chart Plot Area in this release. Once you have absolute coordinates of chart Plot area, you can use the support to overlap other shapes on chart Plot area as per requirement for detailed elaboration of charts. For more about requested support, please visit documentation article, Getting actual position of chart Plot Area. If chart inside presentation has external workbook as chart data source, you can now get the path of chart external workbook data source. Please visit the documentation article, Getting chart external Workbook path. Now, you can also get the actual maximum value for vertical value axis for chart. Please visit the documentation article, Get actual Max value of vertical axis on a chart.

Resolved Issues

We have improved the memory consumption issue while loading huge presentations in this release along with resolution of exceptions when loading the presentation files. The presentation rendering has also been improved and certain issues related to image, text and shapes rendering in exported PDF, slide thumbnails and SVG have been rectified. We have also rectified issues related to FontsLoader along with issues related to loss of animation and transition effects in saved presentations.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for Java 17.3 Release Notes for further reference.

To download Aspose.Slides for Java 17.3, please visit the download page.