What’s New in Aspose.Total for JasperReports Q3 2009:

Aspose.Slides for JasperReports

New Features

  1. 3 different ways of licensing exporter through Java code or exporter parameters.

  2. Updated Integration with JasperServer documentation.

  3. New exporter parameters.

  4. Aspose.Slides for JasperReports can be easily integrated with JasperServer.

Bug Fixes

  1. Possible exception in case of image referenced by URL is not available.

  2. Too strong obfuscation which did not allow using exporter parameters with JasperServer.

  3. Text padding (margins, text and bullet offsets) inside a text frame.

Aspose.Words for JasperReports

New Features

  1. Page margins are supported.

  2. The user may choose one of three different ways page breaks are inserted.

  3. Any Microsoft Word field may be exported to the document.

  4. The way tables are constructed was changed. Now the exporter uses cell padding instead of paragraph indent/spacing.

  5. Page margins are now deducted based on page contents.

  6. The documents being produced now include page headers and footers corresponding to report’s design.

  7. Report locale is supported.

  8. Based on the latest Aspose.Words for Java 3.1.0.

  9. Product’s documentation is updated.

  10. Added the Rich Text Format (RTF) export format.

  11. Added the OpenDocument Text (ODT) export format.

  12. Added the export of lines and rectangles (enabled via exporter parameters).

  13. Added the SPACING_FACTOR parameter.

  14. Based on the latest Aspose.Words for Java 3.0.1.

  15. Aspose EULA was updated.

Bug Fixes

  1. There has been a bunch of fixes and improvements that were applied during a discussion with one of our users. We applied them right away so they were not registered in our defect database.

  2. Multiple fixed and enhancements applied instantly based on product evaluators’ reports.

  3. JasperServer configuration does not work.

  4. Some of table borders are missing.

  5. Text is enclosed into unneeded tables while can be placed immediately in the body.

  6. Some reports designed in iReport throw an exception due to the font properties being null.

  7. Empty images throw a NullReferenceExceprion.

  8. Background elements make the layout totally corrupted.

  9. Some critical DOCX export issues.

  10. Flow layout issues.

  11. ‘Index out of range’ exception thrown for a sample report.

  12. Incorrect OOXML content-type.

Aspose.Cells for JasperReports

New Features

  1. Provide editable charts in Microsoft Excel format rather than static pictures.

  2. Support to integrate Aspose.Cells for JasperReports to JasperServer.

  3. Eliminate the dependency of POI library.

  4. Support various kinds of charts, including bar chart, area chart, pie chart, line chart etc.

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports

New Features

  1. Customize barcode images.

  2. Easy and lightweight deployment.

  3. Supported barcode symbologies.

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