As you probably know we provide all our technical support in the forums

But Aspose.Words has grown big and popular and our support department has grown too. It becomes more and more difficult to provide efficient support via the forums.

There are many issues with the support forums including:

  • It is hard for the support personnel to divide work between themselves and track who is helping which customer.
  • It is impossible for the customers to see at a glance which threads have been answered with a useful answer or closed/resolved etc.
  • It is an overhead for us and source of errors to maintain links between the forums and our internal bug tracking system.
  • Customers want, but cannot see any real progress on their issues. They have to keep asking “when my issue will be ready”. Customers do not see the actual information that we have about the issues they reported.

We want to provide a better technical support and we have been looking at different options.

One option is to provide technical support via a specialized bug tracking system. This will leave the forums for general questions and discussions about using Aspose components.

The bug tracking system we are looking at using for technical support is the same software as we use for our internal bug tracking. In fact, to avoid duplication and issue linking overhead we are considering to provide technical support right in our real bug tracking system. But external users will only be able to see their own created issues of course.

We want to do a little pilot project trialing this new technical support method and looking for volunteers. The size and time for this pilot project will be small. We will only take about 10-20 willing customers who contact us first.

Do you want to participate?

In return, we promise to do our best and resolve the issues that you have reported as part of this pilot project by the end of the trial which will coincide with our next planned release date sometime in August 2010.

If you want to participate, please email to alexey dot noskov at aspose dot com.