Convert OBJ to FBX Python

In this post, we will explore how to convert OBJ to FBX in Python. This blog post can be useful to automate the process of exporting a large number of files. We will discuss the steps involved in the conversion process as well as the configuration to make the process as smooth as possible. Following this article, you can create a converter to export 3D OBJ file to FBX format in Python.

  1. 3D Image Processing API Installation
  2. Convert OBJ to FBX in Python- Code Sample
  3. OBJ to FBX Online Converter

3D Image Processing API Installation

Aspose.3D for Python via .NET supports working with many 3D file formats from within your applications. You can download the package or install it from PyPI using the pip command below:

pip install aspose-3d

Convert OBJ to FBX in Python - Code Sample

You can convert an OBJ to FBX format using Python by following the steps below:

  1. Firstly, load the source OBJ file with the Scene.from_file() method.
  2. Next, initialize an object of the FbxSaveOptions class.
  3. Call the save() method to render the output FBX file.

The code snippet below shows how to convert OBJ to FBX in Python.

# Load input OBJ file with Scene class
scene = Scene.from_file("sample.obj");

# Initialize FbxSaveOptions class object
fbxSaveOptions = FbxSaveOptions(FileFormat.FBX7500ASCII);

# Convert OBJ to FBX file"sample.fbx", fbxSaveOptions);

OBJ to FBX Online Converter

The following utility is based on this API and can be tested for its performance or capabilities:

obj to fbx online converter

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This article explains how to convert OBJ to FBX in Python. However, you may further explore 3D image processing API by visiting the documentation and API references. In case of any queries, please write to us at free support forum.

See Also