Convert OBJ to PLY in C#

Let’s dive into the implementation of a programmatic conversion between two famous 3D file formats. Recently, we published a blog post that showed how to convert PLY to OBJ in a .NET application. However, in this blog post, we will learn how to convert OBJ to PLY in C#. So, we will achieve this functionality by opting for Aspose.3D for .NET. This C# 3D graphics library is a mature .NET API that offers a wide range of conversion and manipulation features. Therefore, do not. miss any section of this guide in order to learn how to develop an OBJ to PLY converter programmatically.

C# 3D Graphics Library Installation

We can install this .NET API by running the following command in NuGet Package Manager. In addition, you may download the DLL file.

Install-Package Aspose.3D 
C# 3D Graphics Library Installation

Convert OBJ to PLY in C# - Code Sample

Before implementation, please make sure you have a source OBJ file. Then, you can follow the following steps:

  • Instantiate an instance of the Scene class.
  • Call the Open method to load the source OBJ file.
  • Create an object of the PlySaveOptions class to access the options for exporting the scene as a PLY file.
  • Invoke the Save method to save the output file in PLY file format.

The following code sample demonstrates how to convert OBJ to PLY in C# programmatically:

You can see the output in the image:

Render 3D Models

OBJ to PLY Converter - Online Tool

There is an online tool powered by Aspose.3D for .NET. In addition, this online OBJ to PLY converter has capabilities to convert popular 3D file formats online in a web browser. Above all, it is free and you can use it without any account creation.

obj to ply converter

Render 3D Models - Get a Free License

You can get a free temporary license to try this C# 3D graphics library without evaluation limitations.

Summing up

This is the end. We hope you have learned how to convert OBJ to PLY in C#. Further, this guide demonstrated a single functionality out of many exposed by Aspose.3D for .NET. An OBJ to PLY converter will boost the productivity of your business application. Moreover, documentationAPI references and the GitHub repo provide complete details about development and usage. So, please stay in touch with for regular updates.

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