Convert STL to FBX GLB

STL files represent 3-dimensional surface geometry and are frequently used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing, and computer-aided manufacturing. You can convert an STL file to FBX or GLB (Binary glTF) programmatically using Java. The following sections explain further details:

STL to FBX or glTF GLB File Converter – Java API Installation

Aspose.3D for Java API supports working with STL, FBX, glTF, GLB, and many other file formats. You can easily configure the API by downloading the JAR file from the Downloads section, or specify the below configurations in the pom.xml file of your Maven-based project:


        <name>Aspose Java API</name>



Convert STL to FBX File Programmatically using Java

You can convert an STL file to an FBX file with the below steps:

  1. Initialize an object of Scene class.
  2. Load input STL file with Open method.
  3. Specify the output format for the FBX file.
  4. Save output FBX file.

The following code explains how to convert an STL file to an FBX file programmatically using Java:

Convert STL to glTF GLB File Programmatically in Java

You can convert an STL file to a binary glTF GLB file with the following steps:

  1. Load input STL file using Scene class.
  2. Specify output file format as GLB.
  3. Save output GLB file.

The code below shows how to convert an STL file to a Binary glTF GLB file programmatically using Java:

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In this article, you have learned how to convert an STL file to an FBX or binary glTF GLB file programmatically using Java. Please refer to the API Documentation to learn several other features offered by the API. Feel free to get in touch with us via the Free Support Forum for any of your inquiries.

See Also

Convert FBX to RVM or Vice Versa Programmatically in C#