Healthcare Industry Barcode Label Identifier Code (HIBC LIC) is a barcode standard used in the healthcare industry. HIBC LIC barcodes serve to identify and track healthcare products, such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices, throughout the supply chain. Such barcodes contain a unique identifier for the product, as well as other information such as the expiration date and lot number. This barcode standard is defined as a combination of a base barcode type, such as Code 39, QR Code, Aztec Code, Code 128, or Data Matrix, and a specific format of encoded data used to store relevant information for healthcare industry.
In this article, we explain how to generate HIBC LIC barcodes based on QR Code types using the C# barcode library. Aspose.BarCode for .NET has been recently enhanced to provide the support for this barcode standard.
Aspose.BarCode .NET Library
Developers can easily embed Aspose.BarCode for .NET library into their application. The barcode library provides rich functionality to create or read various barcode types within .NET applications. Download reference DLL files from the Releases page or install it from the NuGet Gallery by running the following command:
PM> Install-Package Aspose.BarCode
Generate HIBC LIC Barcodes
Medical products must be labeled with barcodes that contain information such as the identification code of the manufacturer, product number, and units of measurement. Such barcodes are used to identify and track products as they proceed through the supply chain.
To generate barcodes, which encode the data in the appropriate HIBC LIC format, class HIBCLICPrimaryDataCodetext needs to be used. To select the required base barcode type, the BarCodeType property needs to be initialized with one of the following values: HIBCCode39LIC, HIBCCode128LIC, HIBCAztecLIC, HIBCDataMatrixLIC, or HIBCQRLIC. By default, HIBCCode39LIC is set.
The code sample below shows how to create a HIBC LIC QR Code encoding the necessary information as primary data.
Supplementary information fields, such as the expiration date, product quantity, lot number, serial number, and the date of manufacture, can also be embedded in the HIBC LIC if they are necessary for certain use cases. Class HIBCLICSecondaryAndAdditionalDataCodeText can be utilized to include secondary data in the required format. This supplementary data can be embedded in HIBC LIC barcodes as secondary data, as demonstrated in the code example below.
The barcode API offers the ability to include both primary and secondary information in a HIBC LIC barcode. To do this, it is necessary to utilize class HIBCLICCombinedCodetext, as shown in the code sample provided below.
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In this article, we described how to generate HIBC LIC barcodes in C#. We explained how to select base barcode types and then encode primary and secondary data according to the HIBC LIC standard in the generated barcode. You can check documentation to find out more about barcode library features. In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us via Aspose forum.