
Convert IGES File to PDF Programmatically with Java

IGES files are used to exchange design information between computer-aided design (CAD) applications. You can convert IGES files to PDF programmatically using Java. The following use cases discuss the topic in detail.
July 9, 2021 · 2 min · Farhan Raza

Convert DWG/DXF CAD File to JPG, PNG, GIF Image with Java

DWG files are used to store drawings in the 2D or 3D format while DXF is the Drawing Exchange Format which is used for compatibility of AutoCAD data with other applications. You can convert DWG or DXF to raster image formats like JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. as per your requirements. In this article, you will be learning the CAD file formats conversion to raster images programmatically using Java.
April 20, 2021 · 3 min · Farhan Raza

Convert STL to PDF or PNG Image Programmatically in Java

STL files are used to show the geometry of 3D surfaces. However, only a few CAD-related applications support viewing or working with STL files. Therefore, you may need to convert STL files to a PDF or a PNG image. It will let you overview the file in many operating systems and environments because PDF or image file formats are widely supported. Let us walk through the following sections to find more details.
March 15, 2021 · 2 min · Farhan Raza

Convert STL to PDF or PNG Image Programmatically in C#

STL, abbreviated for stereolithography, represents 3D surface geometry. These are frequently used in CAD-related applications. You can convert STL files to PDF quickly and easily. This file format conversion is helpful in scenarios when you need to view the information in different operating systems and environments, because of the compatibility of PDF format. Likewise, you can render STL to PNG images for a quick preview of the file.
February 12, 2021 · 2 min · Farhan Raza

Convert PLT to PDF or Image Programmatically using Java

PLT format files are vector-based files that are used by plotter printers. These files ensure precision and accuracy in printing jobs. However, you can convert a PLT file to PDF programmatically using Java language. The PDF format file is device independent thus making your file compatible with a lot of platforms and system environments.
January 26, 2021 · 2 min · Farhan Raza

Convert PLT to PDF or JPEG Image Programmatically in C#

PLT is a vector-based format used for plotter machines. However, only a few applications support this format so you might need to convert to more compatible formats as per your requirements. You can convert PLT files to PDF, PNG, or JPEG images with few quick and simple steps.
December 24, 2020 · 3 min · Farhan Raza

Convert DWG and DXF Files to PDF using Java

CAD file formats are used by the designers or architects to create drawings in various industries such as construction, automobile, hardware, and etc. DWG and DXF are the most widely used CAD formats, however, you need a dedicated software to view the content in DWG and DXF files. In order to tackle this limitation, you can convert the CAD drawings to PDF format. In this article, you will learn how to automate CAD to PDF conversion and convert DWG and DXF files to PDF using Java.
November 13, 2020 · 4 min · Usman Aziz

Convert DWG/DXF to PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and GIF Image in C#

DWG and DXF are the popular file formats used to store data as well as metadata of the CAD designs. However, it is not possible to directly view or display CAD designs by embedding DWG and DXF files within your web or desktop applications. One of the feasible solutions is CAD to image conversion. This article aims to show you how to convert DWG/DXF files to PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and GIF images using C#.
September 28, 2020 · 3 min · Usman Aziz

Convert CAD's DWG and DXF to PDF using C#

AutoCAD is used by designers to create various types of designs of buildings, bridges, automobiles, chips and etc. in a wide range of industries. However, the AutoCAD formats (DWG, DXF, etc.) can only be viewed in a dedicated software or an online AutoCAD viewer. To make things easier, the AutoCAD drawings could be converted into PDF files which can be viewed anywhere without any dependency. In this article, you will learn how to convert AutoCAD DWG/DXF drawings to PDF programmatically using C#.
September 2, 2020 · 4 min · Usman Aziz

Add Watermark to DWG CAD Drawings using C# and Java

Here comes a new release of Aspose.CAD for .NET, Java 19.9, which has been enriched with new features. As a standard practice, the Aspose team publishes both .NET and Java-based API having the same features sets simultaneously. I will be giving you an overview of Common File format, layout size, and watermark. Add Watermark in DWG - C# and Java Watermark prevents anyone from making use of your propriety images or files.
October 18, 2019 · 3 min · Adnan Ahmad