We are pleased to release Aspose.Cells for .NET 4.9.0 for the users.

In the new version, we have provided new features and enhanced some existing features. The component is now capable to calculate formulas that exceed MS Excel 2003 row/column limitation. It also supports MS Excel 2010 Sparklines feature. We have further enhanced the Formula Calculation Engine. You can also implement 3D effects for MS Excel 2007 Charts, the APIs are available now. There are some useful features added to the new version: Allow Users to Edit Ranges and Remove Duplicates in the worksheet. The users, who use smart markers feature, now can set ICustomTypeDescriptor as a data source for the markers. You can even specify a Comment’s note in Html. Moreover, the Chart-to-Image feature is improved too.

In the grid controls (GridDesktop and GridWeb) provided by Aspose.Cells for .NET, we have supported a few new formulas. For example, the functions like INDEX, LOOKUP and MATCH are supported. The controls also support new date formats: “M/d/yy”, “MM/dd/yyyy” and “dd.mm.yyyy”. Moreover, GridDesktop now supports to import CSV file format.

There are some other fixes and enhancements too.

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