In this article, we will demonstrate how to access mapi propertes in a Microsoft outlook message files (*.msg files), using Aspose.Network.


        Dim message As MapiMessage  

        'load and parse the Microsoft Outlook Message files  
        Imports (MapiMessageReader mr = New MapiMessageReader("c:\\sample.msg"))  
            message = mr.ReadMessage()  

        'read subject property. Or you can use MapiMessage.Subject too.  
        Dim subject As String =  message.GetPropertyString(MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT)  

        'read body property. Or you can use MapiMessage.Body too.  
        Dim body As String =  message.GetPropertyString(MapiPropertyTag.PR_BODY)  

        Console.WriteLine("Body:" + body)  

        'read internet code page property.  
        Dim prop As MapiProperty =  message.Properties(MapiPropertyTag.PR_INTERNET_CPID) as MapiProperty  
        If Not prop Is Nothing Then  
            Console.WriteLine("CodePage:" + prop.GetLong())  
        End If  


      MapiMessage message;  

        //load and parse the Microsoft Outlook Message files  
        using (MapiMessageReader mr = new MapiMessageReader(@"c:\\sample.msg"))  
            message = mr.ReadMessage();  

        //read subject property. Or you can use MapiMessage.Subject too.  
        string subject =  message.GetPropertyString(MapiPropertyTag.PR_SUBJECT);  
        //read body property. Or you can use MapiMessage.Body too.  
        string body = message.GetPropertyString(MapiPropertyTag.PR_BODY);  
        Console.WriteLine("Body:" + body);  
        //read internet code page property.  
        MapiProperty prop =  
            message.Properties[MapiPropertyTag.PR_INTERNET_CPID] as MapiProperty;  
        if (prop  != null)  
            Console.WriteLine("CodePage:" + prop.GetLong());  