[![Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin][1], we are now pleased to announce the launch of [Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin][2]. This not only expands [Aspose.Email Product family][3], but also adds to the list of APIs that allow application developers create powerful emailing applications with Xamarin framework.
Power of Aspose.Email for .NET now available for Mobile Platforms
Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin is powered by [Aspose.Email for .NET][4] at its back. Known for its ease of use, stability and excellent performance as compared to its market competitors, Aspose.Email for .NET has been in the field for quite long time now. As a result, the same attributes are auto-associated with this new API as well. iOS developers can get started with these powerful inherited characteristics of the API in their emailing applications right from the start.
Getting Started with Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin
Getting started with Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin is very easy. The API is available in the form of DLL for download from API’s [download section][5] as well as through [Nuget][6]. Once you setup Xamarin environment with Microsoft Visual Studio, include reference to the API DLL in your application and you are ready to create stunning emailing applications with the API.
API Features
Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin contains almost all the [features][7] as are supported by Aspose.Email for .NET with some differences. These features include:
- Working with several popular message formats including EML, EMLx, and Outlook MSG file format
- Work with and manipulate Outlook MSG properties
- Inter conversion between message formats
- Working with Outlook Calendar, Contacts, Notes and Tasks items
- Support for Outlook PST and OST storage files
- Complete support for SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols for sending and receiving emails
- Support for Exchange server protocols including WebDav and EWS
- Ability to work with MBox storage files
Documentation and API Reference Guide
Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin exhibits the same features set as the Aspose.Email for .NET API. For this reason, we will use Aspose.Email for .NETdocumentationandAPI Reference guidefor this API as well. The .NET API documentation can be referenced for code samples and guidelines other than exceptions listed in following section.
As mentioned earlier, the API contains almost all the features offered by Aspose.Email for .NET. However, there are certain limitations a well. For example:
- The API doesn’t have any printing features for exporting the messages to TIFF or XPS format
- ActiveSync client is not available in the API
- You cannot embed linked images into message body in both RTF as well as HTML format
- It also has no functionality of Signing or Encrypting/Decrypting messages
These limitations and work around methods (where applicable) are listed inAPI limitations pagefor Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin.
Got Questions?
Feel free to reach us via[Aspose.Email forum][8]. We’ will be glad to address your concerns and assist you with any of your query.
[1]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/08/aspose_email-for-ios-via-xamarin-150x150.png)](https://www.aspose.com/products/email/ios-xamarin)After the successful launch of [Aspose.Email for Android via Xamarin](https://blog.aspose.com/2017/07/19/apsose.email-android-via-xamarin-launched/ [2]: https://www.aspose.com/products/email/ios-xamarin [3]: https://www.aspose.com/products/email [4]: https://www.aspose.com/products/email/net [5]: https://downloads.aspose.com/email/iosxamarin [6]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Aspose.Email_iOS.Xamarin/17.7.0 [7]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/emailnet/Aspose.Email+for+iOS+via+Xamarin+Features [8]: https://forum.aspose.com/c/email