
After this Aspose.Words vs Apache POI WP, Aspose.Slides vs Apache POI SL, Aspose.Cells vs Apache POI SS and Aspose.Email vs Apache POI HSMF are available in Aspose Project Wizard from version 2.3 and onwards.

With this integration you don’t need to manually download the [Aspose Java APIs code comparison examples with Apache POI framework][2] as they are now available through the plugin’s Aspose New Example wizard within NetBeans IDE.

Comparison examples shows side by side code comparison for features available in both Aspose.Email and Apache POI HSMF.

How to Create the Aspose.Email Features Comparison Example with Apache POI within NetBeans IDE

  1. Create an Aspose application using the Aspose Project wizard (detailed steps are mentioned in previous Aspose blog post). In the wizard, select the Aspose.Email component like shown in below screenshot:
  2. Create new Aspose Example from New File option in NetBeans IDE (detailed steps are mentioned in previous Aspose blog post).
  3. Select Aspose.Email component from the selection box.
    Examples will be downloaded and will appear in tree format including Aspose.Emails code comparison examples with Apache POI HSMF as shown in below image. Select an example from tree and click Finish.
  4. This starts downloading of selected example dependencies, that is, the Apache POI framework library jars.
  5. After the dependencies has downloaded, the selected example is available in your Aspose application within respective package under Source Packages along with Apache POI framework jars.
  • [Aspose Java Components][3].
  • Examples of Aspose.Cells Code Comparisons with Apache POI SS.
  • Examples of Aspose.Words Code Comparisons with Apache POI WP.
  • Examples of Aspose.Slides Code Comparisons with Apache POI SL.
  • [Download Aspose Java for NetBeans Plugin in NetBeans IDE][4].
  • How to use Aspose Java APIs and Examples on NetBeans. (NetBeans IDE 7.4/8.0)
  • How to use Aspose Java APIs and Examples on NetBeans. (NetBeans IDE 7.2/7.3)
  • Seamless Aspose Integration with NetBeans IDE - by NetBeans Official.(NetBeans IDE 7.4/8.0)
  • [Video Tutorial - Aspose Java for NetBeans v2.3 released features][5].
  • Many More Aspose Examples.

Source Code Available

Aspose Project Wizard for NetBeans is open source and its source code is available on below mentioned major social coding websites. Developers can extend the functionality if they want or learn from it to make their own plugins.

[![GitHub Mark icon2 Aspose for Java Integration and Partnership with NetBeans][6] GitHub

[![sourceforge icon2 Aspose for Java Integration and Partnership with NetBeans][7] SourceForge

[![bitbucket icon3 Aspose for Java Integration and Partnership with NetBeans][8] Bitbucket

[![codeplex icon2 Aspose for Java Integration and Partnership with NetBeans][9] CodePlex

[1]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/01/aspose_email-for-java1.png “Aspose.Email for Java”) Aspose has now integrated the examples of Aspose.Email for Java code and a features comparison with Apache POI HSMF in [Aspose Project Wizard for NetBeans IDE](https://downloads.aspose.com/ [2]: https://docs.aspose.com/ [3]: https://www.aspose.com/java/total-component.aspx [4]: https://downloads.aspose.com/ [5]: http://youtu.be/5JZNFv6tDq0 [6]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/GitHub-Mark-icon2.png “GitHub-Mark-icon”)](https://github.com/asposemarketplace/Aspose_for_NetBeans [7]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/sourceforge-icon2.png “sourceforge-icon”)](https://sourceforge.net/projects/asposenetbeans [8]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/bitbucket-icon3.png “bitbucket-icon”)](https://bitbucket.org/asposemarketplace/aspose-for-netbeans [9]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/codeplex-icon2.png “codeplex-icon”)](https://netbeans.apache.org/