Email Automation with PowerShell

If you’re looking to optimize your email workflows or develop custom email solutions, this blog post is for you. We will explore how to use PowerShell and Aspose.Email for .NET together to automate various email processing tasks using the example of converting email formats and extracting attachments. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you can save time, reduce manual effort, and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of your email management processes.

Email management often involves dealing with different file formats, and converting between these formats can be for compatibility and archival purposes.

Why Using PowerShell?

PowerShell is a scripting language that integrates well with the .NET framework. It is widely applicable for automation and administration tasks in Windows OS. In this blog article, we’ll look at practical examples and use cases for e-mail processing task automation.

What is Aspose.Email?

It is a comprehensive email management library that supports a wide range of email formats, including MSG and EML. By leveraging Aspose.Email with PowerShell, you can automate the conversion process, saving time and ensuring consistency.


Before we start, ensure you have the PowerShell installed on your system and Aspose.Email for .NET library in your project.

Download the API

You can easily obtain it from the Aspose download page or by using NuGet, and then reference it in your PowerShell script.

Load the API’s DLL in PowerShell

To use Aspose.Email in PowerShell, you need to load the DLL. Assuming you have downloaded the DLL, use the following command to load it:

  Add-Type -Path "path_to_your_Aspose.Email.dll"

Replace path_to_your_Aspose.Email.dll with the actual path to the file.

Note: To avoid possible path-related issues we suggest put the DLL file in the same folder as your script .

Create the PowerShell Script File

To create a PowerShell script file, follow these steps:

  • Open a text editor like Notepad or a code editor like Visual Studio Code.
  • Copy the PowerShell script into the editor.
  • Save the file with a .ps1 extension, for example, ConvertMsgToEml.ps1.

Automating MSG to EML Conversion

Let’s consider a practical example of converting MSG files to EML format. Imagine we have a large set of MSG files that need to be quickly converted to EML files. Additionally, we need to extract all attachments from these messages and save them separately. This task can be automated using PowerShell and Aspose.Email.

Define the Conversion Function

First, open any text editor and paste the following code block:

  1. Start by defining the function Convert-MsgToEml and specify two parameters:
    • inputFilePath is a string parameter for the path to the input .msg file.
    • outputDirectory is a string parameter for the path to the directory where the .eml file will be saved.
  2. Load the MSG File:
    • Use the Load method to load the EML file into a variable $msg.
  3. Save the MapiMessage object:
    • Save the MapiMessage object as an .eml file in the specified output directory.
function Convert-MsgToEml {
    param (
    try {
        # Load the MSG file
        $msg = [Aspose.Email.Mapi.MapiMessage]::Load($inputFilePath)

        # Define the output file path
        $outputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $outputDirectory -ChildPath ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($inputFilePath) + ".eml")

        # Save as EML
        $msg.Save($outputFilePath, [Aspose.Email.SaveOptions]::DefaultEml)

        Write-Host "Converted $inputFilePath to $outputFilePath"
    } catch {
        Write-Host "Error converting $inputFilePath"

Convert Multiple Files

Next, we can use this function to convert multiple MSG files within a directory:

  1. Set Input and Output directories by defining the directory containing the MSG files inputDirectory and the directory where the converted EML files will be saved emlDirectory.
  2. Retrieve all MSG files from the input directory.
  3. Loop through each MSG file in the input directory and convert it to EML format, saving the output in the specified directory.
# Load Aspose.Email DLL
Add-Type -Path ".\Aspose.Email.dll"

# Define the input and output directories
$inputDirectory = "path_to_your_input_directory"
$emlDirectory = "path_to_your_output_directory"

# Get all MSG files in the input directory
$msgFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $inputDirectory -Filter "*.msg"

foreach ($msgFile in $msgFiles) {
    # Convert each MSG file to EML
    Convert-MsgToEml -inputFilePath $msgFile.FullName -outputDirectory $emlDirectory

Replace path_to_your_input_directory and path_to_your_output_directory with the actual paths.

Extracting and Saving Attachments from EML Files

In addition to converting MSG files to EML files, we also need to extract and save attachments from the resulting EML files. Here’s how you can achieve this using the .NET API and PowerShell.

Define the Attachment Extraction Function

Define a PowerShell function that will handle the extraction and saving of attachments from a single EML file:

  1. Start by defining the function Extract-AttachmentsFromEml and specify two parameters:
    • emlFilePath - path of the EML file from which attachments need to be extracted.
    • attachmentsDirectory - directory where extracted attachments will be saved.
  2. Load the EML File:
    • Use the Load method to load the EML file into a variable $eml.
  3. Extract Attachments:
    • Iterate through each attachment in the Attachments collection using a foreach loop.
    • Save the attachment using the Save method.
function Extract-AttachmentsFromEml {
    param (

    try {
        # Load the EML file
        $eml = [Aspose.Email.MailMessage]::Load($emlFilePath)

        # Extract attachments
        foreach ($attachment in $eml.Attachments) {
            $attachmentFilePath = Join-Path -Path $attachmentsDirectory -ChildPath $attachment.Name
            Write-Host "Saved attachment $attachmentFilePath"
    } catch {
        Write-Host "Error extracting attachments from $emlFilePath"

Let’s add this to our script, after the Convert-MsgToEml function declaration.

Extract Attachments from Multiple EML Files

Next, we can use this function to extract attachments from multiple EML files within a directory. Insert this piece of code at the end of the script. The code implies the following steps:

  • Specify the path to your attachments directory where you want to save the extracted attachments.
  • Use Get-ChildItem to retrieve all EML files from the specified directory. This command will filter out only files with the .eml extension.
  • Iterate over each EML file using a foreach loop.
  • For each file, call the Extract-AttachmentsFromEml function to extract and save the attachments.
$attachmentsDirectory = "path_to_your_attachments_directory"

# Get all EML files in the directory
$emlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $emlDirectory -Filter "*.eml"

foreach ($emlFile in $emlFiles) {
    # Extract attachments from each EML file
    Extract-AttachmentsFromEml -emlFilePath $emlFile.FullName -attachmentsDirectory $attachmentsDirectory

Replace path_to_your_attachments_directory with the actual paths.

Running the PowerShell Script

To run the PowerShell script, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerShell.

  2. Navigate to the directory where your script is located using the cd command. For example:

    cd path_to_your_script_directory
  3. Run the script by typing .\ followed by the script name. For example:


    If you encounter an execution policy error, you may need to adjust the PowerShell execution policy. You can set the policy to allow script execution using the following command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

    Confirm the change if prompted. This setting allows you to run scripts that are written on your local machine or scripts that are signed by a trusted publisher.


By using Aspose.Email with PowerShell, you can automate the conversion of MSG files to EML format and extract attachments from EML files efficiently. The steps outlined in this article provide a straightforward approach to setting up the environment, creating a conversion script, running it, and extracting attachments. With these tools, you can streamline your email file management processes, ensuring compatibility and ease of access. Automating file conversions and attachment extraction with PowerShell and Aspose.Email not only saves time but also ensures consistency and reliability in your workflows. Whether you’re dealing with a few emails or managing a large archive, these techniques will enhance your productivity and simplify your tasks.

Additionally, the library offers a wealth of free resources to support you in your projects. You can access comprehensive documentation, detailed API references, and helpful articles on the blog. For any queries or assistance, the Aspose forum is an excellent place to connect with the community and seek support. These resources are designed to ensure you have all the information and tools you need to maximize the potential of Aspose.Email in your email management tasks.

See Also