XBRL to PDF Convert Online

In the world of financial data, eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has become the gold standard for digital reporting. Companies, regulators, and investors use XBRL to streamline sharing and analyzing critical financial information. In certain cases, we may need to convert XBRL into a more accessible format, such as Excel. In this blog post, we’ll learn how to convert XBRL to Excel in Python. So let’s start!

This article covers the following topics:

  1. Python XBRL to Excel Converter
  2. Convert XBRL to Excel in Python
  3. Get a Free License
  4. XBRL to Excel Converter Online
  5. XBRL Format in Excel – Learning Resources

Python XBRL to Excel Converter

For converting XBRL to Excel, we will use the Aspose.Finance for Python library. It allows creating XBRL instances, parsing, validating, and converting XBRL or iXBRL files.

Please either download the package or install the API from PyPI using the following pip command in the console:

pip install aspose-finance

Convert XBRL to Excel in Python

XBRL to Excel conversion using Finance Python library is straightforward. Simply load the XBRL file and save it in XLSX format at the desired location. Please follow the steps below to convert an XBRL to Excel in Python.

  1. Load the XBRL file using the XbrlDocument class.
  2. Create an instance of the SaveOptions class and set the SaveFormat as XLSX.
  3. Call the save() method to save the document in Excel format.

The following code sample shows how to convert XBRL to Excel in Python.

Convert XBRL to Excel – Get a Free License

You can get a free temporary license to use the Aspose.Finance library. You can evaluate and explore its features without any limitations.

XBRL to Excel Converter Online

You can convert XBRL file in Excel online using our high-quality and free XBRL to Excel converter, which is developed using Aspose.Finance library.

Free XBRL to Excel Online Converter
Input file
Output format

XBRL Format in Excel – Learning Resources

You can learn more about creating and converting XBRL files into supported formats such as Excel, PDF, HTML and explore other features of the library using the resources given below:


In this article, we learned how to convert XBRL to Excel in Python. Exporting financial data from XBRL files to Excel can be an efficient way to make the most of this treasure trove of data. The step-by-step guide and code samples demonstrate how easy it is to perform XBRL to XLSX conversion using our Python library. In case of any ambiguity, please contact us on our free support forum.

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