Convert XBRL to HTML in Python | iXBRL to HTML

XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a standardized format for electronic business reporting, particularly for financial data. XBRL allows companies to simplify their reporting processes and facilitate the sharing of financial data and information with stakeholders. In this article, we will learn how to convert XBRL to HTML in Python, enabling easier data analysis and visualization.

This article covers the following topics:

  1. Python XBRL to HTML Converter
  2. Convert XBRL to HTML in Python
  3. Convert XBRL to HTML Online
  4. Free Resources

Python XBRL to HTML Converter

To convert XBRL to HTML, we will follow a two-step procedure:

Step 1: Convert XBRL to XLSX

We will use Aspose.Finance for Python to convert XBRL files to XLSX format.

Step 2: Convert XLSX to HTML

Next, we will utilize Aspose.Cells for Python to convert the XLSX file to an HTML document.

Please either download the packages or install the APIs from PyPI using the following pip commands in the console:

pip install aspose-finance
pip install aspose-cells-python

Convert XBRL to HTML in Python

We can easily convert the XBRL file to an HTML document by following the steps below:

  1. Load the XBRL file using the XbrlDocument class.
  2. Create an instance of the SaveOptions class and set the SaveFormat to XLSX.
  3. Convert XBRL to XLSX using the method.
  4. After that, load the XLSX file using the Workbook class.
  5. Finally, save it in HTML format using the method. It takes the output file path and the SaveFormat type (HTML) as arguments.

The following code sample shows how to convert XBRL to HTML in Python.

Convert XBRL to HTML in Python.

Convert XBRL to HTML in Python.

Get a Free License

Start exporting finance-related information from XBRL files to HTML format for free today! Visit the Temporary License page to get a complimentary, restriction-free license and experience the full power of Aspose.Finance and Aspose.Cells without any limitations.

Convert XBRL to HTML Online

In addition, you may also convert XBRL to HTML online using our high-quality and free XBRL to HTML converter web app. This web app is developed using the same powerful libraries, allowing you to convert XBRL files to HTML format without any installations or coding required. Simply upload your XBRL file and download the resulting HTML file in seconds!

Free XBRL to HTML Online Converter
Input file
Output format

XBRL to HTML in Python - Free Resources

Besides converting XBRL to HTML, discover the full potential of the library by exploring its features. Utilize the resources below to learn more and uncover the various functionalities it has to offer.


In this article, we have shown you how to effortlessly convert XBRL to HTML in Python with just a few lines of code. By following the straightforward steps outlined here, you can easily develop your own XBRL-to-HTML conversion application. Additionally, we have introduced a convenient online tool for on-the-go conversion of XBRL or iXBRL files to HTML format. If you have any questions or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our free support forum.

See Also