XBRL to Excel Converter Online

Convert XBRL to Excel Online Free

Free XBRL to Excel Online Converter
Input file
Output format

You can convert XBRL to Excel XLSX File Online for Free without any Signup or Sign-in. Neither you need an email address as you can download the data directly on your system. Moreover, your data is secured because it is deleted from our servers after 24 hours.

How to Convert XBRL to Excel Online

  • First, click the upload button and select the XBRL file.
  • Then click the Convert button to convert it to XLSX format.
  • Finally, Download the output file.

XBRL to Excel Converter - Developer’s Guide

Moreover, you can also integrate this conversion feature into your applications. You can find more details under the following headings:

Convert XBRL to Excel in C#

You can convert an XBRL file to Excel in C# with the following steps:

  1. Load the source XBRL file
  2. Specify the settings for the output file with SaveOptions class object
  3. Convert XBRL to Excel format

The code snippet below demonstrates how to convert XBRL to Excel in C#:

// Load input XBRL file
XbrlDocument document = new XbrlDocument("IdScopeContextPeriodStartAfterEnd.xml");

// Set SaveOptions for output file
SaveOptions saveOptions = new SaveOptions();
saveOptions.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.XLSX;

// Convert XBRL file to XLSX Excel Worksheet format
document.Save("ConvertXbrlToXlsx_out.xlsx", saveOptions);

XBRL to Excel Converter in Python

You can convert XBRL to an Excel worksheet by following the steps below:

First of all, configure Aspose.Finance for Python via .NET by downloading the package or installing the API from PyPI with the following pip command:

pip install aspose-finance

Subsequently, load the input XBRL file and export it to Excel format using Python with the following code snippet:

from aspose.finance.xbrl import XbrlDocument,SaveOptions,SaveFormat

document = XbrlDocument("IdScopeContextPeriodStartAfterEnd.xml")

# Set save options
Opts = SaveOptions()
Opts.save_format = SaveFormat.XLSX

# Save XBRL file to XLSX format
document.save("Converted-Xbrl-To-Xlsx_out.xlsx", Opts)

Get a Free License

You may request a free temporary license to evaluate the XBRL to Excel conversion feature without any limitations.


In this article, you have learned how to convert XBRL to Excel Online Free, as well as how to create an XBRL to Excel Converter application on your end. In case of any queries, please feel free to reach out to us at the free support forum.

See Also