Convert GDB to CSV in C#

A GDB file can contain routes, tracks, waypoints, and other relevant information. In some scenarios, you might want to transfer such data to a GPS device or pass it over to some other GIS application. So converting a GDB file to CSV format can be helpful in various scenarios. Accordingly, this article explains how to convert a GDB file to a comma-separated CSV file programmatically in C#.

  1. C# GDB to CSV Converter API - Installation
  2. How to Convert GDB to CSV File in C#
  3. Convert GDB to CSV File Programmatically in C#

C# GDB to CSV Converter API - Installation

Aspose.GIS for .NET API supports working with different supported file formats to create or manipulate geographic data file formats. Moreover, the API does not need you to configure any additional applications like ArcGIS4], QGIS, etc. Simply download the reference DLL files from the downloads section or run the following NuGet installation command:

PM> Install-Package Aspose.GIS

How to Convert GDB to CSV File in C#

You can easily convert a GDB file to a comma-separated value file with the following steps:

  1. Create an object of ConversionOptions class.
  2. Assign the spatial reference system to the layer.
  3. Convert GDB to CSV file.

Now, the following section further elaborates the conversion process based on these steps.

Convert GDB to CSV File Programmatically in C#

You need to follow the steps below to convert the GDB file to CSV format:

  1. Firstly, initialize an instance of the ConversionOptions class.
  2. Assign Wgs84 to the destination layer.
  3. Call the Convert method to export the output as a CSV file.

The code snippet below demonstrates how to convert GDB to CSV programmatically in C#.

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In this article, we have learned how to convert a GDB file to CSV in C#. Moreover, you may further explore how to manipulate or convert other GIS file formats by taking a look at the documentation space. In case you need to discuss any of your concerns or requirements, please feel free to write to us at forum.

See Also