Reduce the Size of a JPEG in C# - Online JPEG Size Reducer

Hello programmers, this blog post will demonstrate how to reduce the size of a JPEG in C# programmatically. Aspose.Imaging for .NET is a go-to image resize service for .NET applications and you can resize JPEG without losing quality. Reducing the size of large JPG/JPEG files always benefits in terms of storage, website load time and more. So, you can reduce the size of JPEG using this online JPEG size reducer which is also powered by Aspose.Imaging for .NET. However, there is no other third-party dependency needed to install this C# library. Therefore, let’s start this guide right away.

We will cover the following points in this guide:

  1. Image Resize Service - API Installation
  2. Reduce the Size of a JPEG in C# - Code Sample
  3. Online JPEG Size Reducer - Resize JPEG Image

Image Resize Service - API Installation

Well, Aspose.Imaging for .NET is well-designed for programmatic image manipulation. Being a C# developer, you need to make a few method invocations to automate complex tasks. In addition, this image resize API offers image crop, rotation, and memory optimization features. So, for the installation, you can either download the DLL of the library or install it via NuGet Package Manager by running the following command:

Install-Package Aspose.Imaging 

image resize api
Please visit this installation guide in case of any difficulty.

Reduce the Size of a JPEG in C# - Code Sample

We have installed Aspose.Imaging for .NET on our local system. Now, we are ready to see the actual implementation by writing a few lines of source code to resize JPEG image.

You can follow the following steps to reduce the size of a JPEG in C#:

  • Create an object of the Image class and invoke the Load method to load the source JPEG file.
  • The Resize method will accept the width and height and the image will be resized accordingly.
  • You may call the NearestNeighbourResample method if you want to resize the image using the nearest neighbor algorithm.
  • The Save method will save the resultant JPEG image on the disk.

The following code snippet shows how to reduce the size of JPEG images programmatically:

The above C# code sample will resize JPEG without losing quality as you can see in the image below:

resize jpeg image

Online JPEG Size Reducer - Resize JPEG Image

So, this online tool is also powered by Aspose.Imaging for .NET. This online JPEG size reducer works efficiently as it is robust and lightweight. Moreover, you can open it in a web browser on a Mobile/Desktop easily. It has a user-friendly user interface where you can drag & drop files smoothly. Above, all, it lets you configure your resizing request just from the UI. It is free and you will not be asked for account creation, we urge you to try this amazing tool at least once.

online jpeg size reducer

Resize JPEG Without Losing Quality - Get a Free License

You can avail a free temporary license to try this image resize service without evaluation limitations.


Let’s end this blog post here with the hope that you have learned how to reduce the size of a JPEG in C#. We went through an online JPEG size reducer to resize JPEG images in the shortest period. So, this is high time if you are looking to opt for a reliable image resize service for your application. Moreover, please visit the documentation, API references, and GitHub repo to get started. Finally, is writing new blog posts. So, visit this platform again for the latest updates.

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You can let us know about your questions or queries on our forum.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How to scale down an image in C#?

Aspose.Imaging for .NET provides a huge stack of classes and methods to resize JPEG without losing quality. Further, please visit this link for complete steps and a code sample.

How can I reduce the size of JPG image?

You can use this online JPEG size reducer to reduce the size of JEPG images.

See Also