OneNote Outlook Tasks in C# | OneNote and Outlook Tasks in C#

OneNote, a digital note-taking application, and Outlook, a widely-used email and calendar management tool, can seamlessly integrate to create a powerful productivity ecosystem. In this blog post, we will learn how to get OneNote Outlook tasks in C#.

This article covers the following topics:

  1. C# API to Get OneNote Outlook Tasks
  2. Get OneNote Outlook Task Details in C#
  3. Free Learning Resources

C# API to Get OneNote Outlook Tasks

We will use Aspose.Note for .NET to get details of Outlook tasks from a OneNote document. It allows developers to work with Microsoft OneNote files programmatically. It enables you to create, modify, and convert OneNote documents in your .NET applications.

Please download the DLL of the API or install it using NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.Note

Get OneNote Outlook Task Details in C#

We can easily get details of Outlook tasks from a OneNote document in C# by following the steps below:

  1. Load a OneNote file using the Document class.
  2. Get all RichText nodes using the GetChildNodes() method.
  3. After that, loop through each node and read the NoteTask objects.
  4. Finally, read the NoteTaks properties.

The following code sample shows how to get OneNote Outlook task details in C#.

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OneNote and Outlook Tasks – Learning Resources

Besides reading Outlook task details from a OneNote document, explore various other features of the library using the resources below:


In this article, we have learned how to get OneNote Outlook tasks in C#. Aspose.Note for .NET can empower you to automatically extract the task details and create a corresponding task in OneNote Outlook Tasks. In case of any ambiguity, please feel free to contact us on our free support forum.

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