Find Text in Image using Python | Python Image Text Finder

Finding text within images is a common task in data extraction, document processing, and even in fields like automation and artificial intelligence. A common use case can be a search for a specific image that contains a particular word or phrase. In this blog post, we will show you how to find text in images using Python. This guide will demonstrate to you how to search for images that contain specific text. Let’s dive in!

This article covers the following topics:

Python Image Text Finder

We will use Aspose.OCR for Python to find text in images. It is a powerful Python library designed to extract text from images efficiently. It acts as a robust Python image text finder, providing accurate and reliable results for various image formats. With its user-friendly API and comprehensive features, Aspose.OCR simplifies the process of extracting text from images in Python applications.

Before we dive into the coding, let’s ensure Aspose.OCR is installed in your Python environment. You can easily download the package or install it from PyPI using the following pip command in the console:

pip install aspose-ocr-python-net 

Find Text in Images using Python

The AsposeOcr class of the library provides the image_has_text() method. You can use this method to search for a specific word or phrase in an image. This method accepts a text fragment or a regular expression. It returns true if it finds the text and false if it doesn’t.

Please follow these steps to find a specified text in an image programmatically using Python:

  1. Create an instance of the AsposeOcr class to access OCR functionality.
  2. Configure recognition settings using the RecognitionSettings class to customize OCR behavior, e.g., language.
  3. Call the image_has_text() method to search for the specified word.
  4. Finally, display the result.

The following code sample shows how to find a text phrase in an image using Python.

Sample Image

Sample Image - Find Text in Images using Python.

Sample Image.


The image contains the word "software"

Try Python OCR Library for Free

Visit our “Temporary License” page to learn how to easily get a free license and unlock unlimited access to the Python OCR library.

Text Finder in Image – Free Resources

In addition to finding text in images, explore the resources below. Discover more about the library’s features and capabilities.


In this post, we explored how to find text within images using Python. We discussed how to search for specific words or phrases in images, providing a step-by-step guide and sample code to demonstrate the process. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can effectively use Aspose.OCR to extract text from your images and leverage its capabilities for various applications.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on our free support forum.

See Also