
Image conversion from one format to another is a common task in programming. In this blog post, we will learn how to convert PNG to EPS in C#. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) is a vector image format commonly used for printing and high-resolution graphics. We’ll look at the PNG to EPS converter API to convert PNG images into EPS format. Next, we’ll walk through the conversion steps. Additionally, we will provide a free online conversion tool and other useful links. So let’s start!

This article covers the following topics:

  1. C# PNG to EPS Converter API – Free Download
  2. Convert PNG to EPS in C#
  3. Convert PNG to EPS using FileStream
  4. Save PNG as EPS using Bitmap
  5. Convert PNG to EPS Online
  6. PNG to EPS - Free Learning Resources

C# PNG to EPS Converter API – Free Download

We will use the Aspose.Page for .NET API to convert PNG to EPS in C#. It is an on-premise .NET API that allows developers to work with XPS, EPS, and PS documents. It enables us to create, edit, and save XPS and EPS/PS documents. The API also supports converting XPS, EPS & PS documents to other supported formats such as PDF, JPG, PNG, etc.

Please download the DLL or install it using NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.Page 

Convert PNG to EPS in C#

We can convert PNG files to EPS images by following the steps below:

  1. Create an instance of the PsSaveOptions class.
  2. Call the PsDocument.SaveImageAsEps(string imageFilePath, string epsFilePath, PsSaveOptions options) method to save the image as an EPS file.

The SaveImageAsEps(string imageFilePath, string epsFilePath, PsSaveOptions options) method of the PsDocument class takes the image file path, EPS file path, and PsSaveOptions as arguments.

The following code example shows how to convert a PNG image to EPS format in C#.

Convert PNG to EPS using FileStream

We can convert PNG files to EPS images by following the steps below:

  1. Create an instance of the PsSaveOptions class.
  2. Read a PNG image using FileStream.
  3. Create an EPS file output stream.
  4. Call the PsDocument.SaveImageAsEps(Stream imageStream, Stream epsStream, PsSaveOptions options) method to save the image as an EPS file.

The SaveImageAsEps(Stream imageStream, Stream epsStream, PsSaveOptions options) method of the PsDocument class takes the input and output stream objects along with PsSaveOptions as arguments.

The following code example shows how to convert a PNG image to EPS format using Stream in C#.

Convert PNG to EPS using Bitmap

We can convert PNG files to EPS images by following the steps below:

  1. Create an instance of the PsSaveOptions class.
  2. Create a bitmap object from an image file.
  3. Call the PsDocument.SaveImageAsEps(Bitmap image, string epsFilePath, PsSaveOptions options) method to save the image as an EPS file.

The SaveImageAsEps(Bitmap image, string epsFilePath, PsSaveOptions options) method of the PsDocument class takes the bitmap image, EPS file path, and PsSaveOptions as arguments.

The following code example shows how to convert a PNG image to EPS format using Bitmap in C#.

PNG2EPS Converter Library – Get a Free License

You can get a free temporary license to try the library for free without any limitations.

Convert PNG to EPS Online

Please try our free online PNG to EPS converter app developed using the above API. It is an ideal tool for those who need to convert PNG files to EPS quickly.

PNG to PS – Learning Resources

You can learn more about transforming PNG images to EPS format and explore other features of the library using the resources below:


In conclusion, we have learned how to convert PNG to EPS in C#. We have seen that the process is relatively simple and only requires a few lines of code. Furthermore, we have shown various methods to convert programmatically. In case of any ambiguity, please contact us on our free support forum.

See Also