
Are you a developer working with SVG images and in need of converting them to EPS format? You’re in the right place! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of converting SVG to EPS in C#. Whether you’re aiming to improve compatibility, enhance printing quality, or streamline your image handling, this step-by-step tutorial will equip you with the knowledge you need.

This article covers the following topics:

  1. C# SVG to EPS Converter API – Free Download
  2. Convert SVG to EPS in C#
  3. Convert SVG to EPS Online
  4. SVG to EPS - Free Learning Resources

C# SVG to EPS Converter API – Free Download

For converting SVG to EPS format, we will follow a two-step procedure. First, we will use Aspose.SVG for .NET to convert SVG to image, and then we will convert the image to EPS using Aspose.Page for .NET API.

Aspose.SVG for .NET facilitates the manipulation and management of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files within .NET applications. It enables developers to create, edit, and convert SVG files. The Converter class of the Aspose.SVG provides ConvertSVG(SVGDocument source, ImageSaveOptions options, string outputPath) that converts SVG document to an image and saves an image on the provided file path.

Aspose.Page for .NET allows developers to create, edit, and save XPS, EPS, and PS documents. It also allows you to convert PDL formats to other supported formats such as PDF, JPG, PNG, etc. The PsDocument class of the Aspose.Page provides the SaveImageAsEps(string imageFilePath, string epsFilePath, PsSaveOptions options) method that takes the image file path, EPS file path, and PsSaveOptions as arguments. It saves the provided image in EPS format.

Please either download the DLLs of the APIs or install them using NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.Page 
PM> Install-Package Aspose.SVG

Convert SVG to EPS in C#

We can convert SVG files to EPS images by following the steps below:

  1. Load the SVG image using the SVGDocument class.
  2. Create an instance of the ImageSaveOptions class
  3. Convert SVG to PNG using the Converter.ConvertSVG() method.
  4. After that, create an instance of the PsSaveOptions class.
  5. Finally, call the PsDocument.SaveImageAsEps() method to save the image as an EPS file.

The following code example shows how to convert an SVG image to EPS format in C#.

SVG to EPS Converter Library – Get a Free License

You can get a free temporary license to try the library for free without any limitations.

Convert SVG to EPS Online

Please try our free online SVG to EPS converter app developed using the above API. It provides a simple and intuitive way to convert SVG images into EPS format. With just a few clicks, you can easily convert any SVG file to EPS. Try it out now!

SVG to PS – Free Learning Resources

You can learn more about transforming SVG images to EPS format and explore other features of the library using the resources below:


In this blog post, we learned how to convert SVG to EPS in C#. The step-by-step guide and code sample shows how the process is relatively simple and only requires a few lines of code. Additionally, we provided a free online converter tool for converting SVG files to EPS without installing any software or plugins. In case of any ambiguity, please contact us on our free support forum.

See Also