Convert PDF to Word in JavaScript

While processing documents in a web application, the ability to seamlessly convert PDF files to Word documents is a valuable asset. This task is not only common but also essential for various applications, such as document converters and editors, from editing and collaboration to content extraction. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to convert a PDF file to a Word DOC/DOCX document in JavaScript.

JavaScript Library to Convert PDF to Word

For PDF to Word document conversion in JavaScript, we will use Aspose.PDF for JavaScript. It is a comprehensive library that empowers developers to work with PDF generation, manipulation, editing, and conversion programmatically. The library is designed to be easy to use and integrates seamlessly into JavaScript applications, making it an ideal choice for PDF-related tasks.

Download the library and follow the installation instructions provided here: Install Aspose.PDF for JavaScript.

Convert a PDF to Word DOC in JavaScript

With Aspose.PDF, you do not have to go through the complex PDF to Word conversion process. Just load the PDF file and save it in Word format. However, we will offload resource-intensive PDF to DOC conversion task to a web worker to prevent blocking the main UI thread. This ensures a user-friendly way of downloading the converted Word document in a web application.

The following are the steps you need to perform for PDF to DOC conversion in JavaScript.

  1. Create a web worker, as demonstrated in the following code snippet.
  1. Write the code to convert PDF to DOC by following the below steps.
  • First, select a PDF file that you want to convert.
  • Then, create a new FileReader object.
  • Call AsposePdfToDoc function that converts PDF to Word format. This function also accepts the name of the converted Word file.
  • Next, if the json.errorCode is 0, then your resultant Word file is given the name you specified earlier. Otherwise, there will be an error in your file and the error message will be logged in json.errorText file.
  • Finally, the DownloadFile function generates a link to download the converted Word file.

Below is the code snippet to convert a PDF to Word DOC format in JavaScript.

Convert PDF to DOCX in JavaScript

In case you need to convert your PDF to DOCX format, you can do it following the same process with small changes to get the Word document as DOCX. So let’s convert a PDF to a DOCX document in JavaScript.

  1. Create the web worker using the code snippet below.
  1. Now, write the code to convert PDF to DOCX. Here, you will use the method AsposePdfToDocX instead of AsposePdfToDoc.

Get Free JavaScript PDF Library

You can get a free temporary license and use this JavaScript PDF library without any limitations.


In this blog post, we explored the process of converting PDF files to Word documents using JavaScript. The steps and code snippets provided in this blog post streamline the PDF to DOC and PDF to DOCX conversions in JavaScript applications. With its straightforward integration and powerful capabilities, Aspose.PDF simplifies document manipulation tasks, enabling developers to enhance their applications with efficient PDF-to-Word conversion.

As you continue to explore the capabilities of Aspose.PDF for JavaScript, you’ll discover a wealth of features to enhance your document management solutions. Let us know about your experience with Aspose.PDF or share your queries via our forum.