Extract Images from PDF C#

If you are finding an easy-to-implement solution for extracting images in PDF using C#, this article is going to help you a lot. Here you will learn how to process a PDF file and extract images in a few easy steps. So let’s start extracting images from a PDF file.

C# Library for Extracting Images in PDF

To extract images from a PDF, we will use Aspose.PDF for .NET. It is a powerful library that lets you implement a wide range of PDF generation and manipulation features. In addition, it allows you to parse the PDF and extract images seamlessly. You can either download the library or install it using NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.PDF

How to Extract Images from a PDF in C#

The following are the steps that we will follow to extract images from a PDF file.

  • Load the PDF file.
  • Loop through the pages in the PDF.
  • Extract images one by one.
  • Save the extracted images.

The following section demonstrates how to write code for PDF image extraction in C#.

C# PDF Image Extraction

The following are the steps to extract images from a PDF in C#.

  • Load the document using the Document class.
  • Loop through the pages of the PDF document using Document.Pages collection.
  • For each page, access every XImage in the Page.Resources.Images collection.
  • Create a FileStream object for each image and save it as JPEG, PNG, etc.
  • Finally, close the FileStream.

The following code sample shows how to extract images from the PDF.

Free C# PDF Image Extraction Library

You can get a free temporary license and extract images from PDF files without any limitations.

Explore C# PDF Library

You can explore more about the C# PDF library using the documentation. Also, you can post your queries on our forum.


Parsing the PDF files and extracting the text or images could be required in various cases. In this article, you have learned how to extract images from PDF files programmatically in C#. You can easily use the provided C# code for PDF image extraction in your applications.

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