We have published the new version of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET. In Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 5.2.0, we have improved the features relating to image rendering, PDF to TIFF conversion, filling form fields, replacing text and exporting bookmarks to XML.
We have also introduced the mechanism to improve the PDF to TIFF conversion performance. A technical article titled ‘[Performance Improvement for PDF to TIFF Conversion][1]) performance in certain scenarios and shows you how to improve the performance. We have introduced a new interface named IIndexBitmapConverter and you can implement it according to your own requirements. The good news is that our team has put together a class for you – Windows API based implementation – named as WinApiIndexBitmapConverter, implementing IIndexBitmapInterface. You can find the source code in C# and VB.NET in the technical article along with the details on how to use this new feature.
You can see the complete list of changes and download the latest version from the [https://downloads.aspose.com/][2].
[1]: https://docs.aspose.com/pdf/net/)' has been added to elaborate on the new mechanism. This article explains the reason for slow [SaveAsTIFF](https://docs.aspose.com/display/pdfnet/Convert+PDF+File#ConvertPDFFile-ConvertPDFFiletoSingleTIFFImage(Facades [2]: https://downloads.aspose.com/