Verify Signed PDF in Python

Most of the time, people prefer to convert documents to PDF format before sharing. This is because PDF files can be viewed on any device regardless of the operating system. However, tampering with the shared PDF documents is a major issue. To avoid this, PDF files are signed with digital signatures that can be verified at the receiving end. A digitally signed PDF lets you know if the content of the file is modified or not. In this article, we will demonstrate how to verify digital signature in a PDF using Python. Thus, you can easily validate the content of a digitally signed PDF.

Python Library to Verify Digitally Signed PDF

To verify digital signatures in PDF files, we will use Aspose.PDF for Python. The library provides a range of features to create, manipulate, and protect PDF files. You can install the library using the following pip command.

pip install aspose-pdf

Verify Digital Signature in PDF

Digital signatures are verified to check the authenticity of the PDF file. The verification result lets you know whether the PDF file is forged or not. The following are the steps to verify a digital signature in a PDF with Python.

  • First, create an instance of PdfFileSignature class.
  • Then, bind PDF using PdfFileSignature.bind_pdf() method.
  • Finally, verify the signature using PdfFileSignature.verify_signature() method.

The following code sample shows how to verify the digital signature in a PDF using Python.

Sign PDF Files Online

You can also use our free online tool to sign PDF files. This PDF eSigning tool is developed using Aspose.PDF and you can use it without creating an account.

Get a Free License

You can get a free temporary license and evaluate the PDF signature verification feature without any limitations.

Explore Python PDF Library

You can learn more about our Python PDF library using the documentation. Explore its amazing features and share your suggestions, questions, or queries with us via our forum.


In this article, you have learned how to verify digital signature in PDF from within your Python applications. We have also provided you with our free online tool to sign PDF files that you can use anywhere at any time. You can easily install Aspose.PDF for Python in your application and perform PDF signature verification.

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