Combine Multiple PowerPoints in Node.js - Aspose PPT Merger

Aspose.Slides for Node.js via Java provides methods and properties to merge multiple PowerPoints into one programmatically. This PowerPoint JavaScript API lets you automatically merge PowerPoint files so that you can put current and previous data into one place. However, MS PowerPoint is a powerful tool used to present business data compactly. This guide will explore how to install this Aspose PPT merger library in our Node.js-based project. In addition, we will walk through the implementation of how to combine multiple PowerPoints in Node.js.

We will go through the following points in this article:

  1. PowerPoint JavaScript API Installation
  2. Combine Multiple PowerPoints in Node.js
  3. Merge PPTX Online

PowerPoint JavaScript API Installation

This installation guide contains installation procedures for Windows, macOS, and Linux. In fact, it is quite easy to install the Aspose PPT merger. There is a huge stack of features that you can leverage to meet your software requirements. So, there are two ways you can have this PowerPoint JavaScript API installed, First, you can download the package from NPM or you can install it by running the following command into terminal/CMD:

npm install
automatically merge PowerPoint files

Combine Multiple PowerPoints in Node.js

Now, we will call functions exposed by this Aspose PPT merger library. For that purpose, we have two different source PPTX/PPT files in our file system.

You can follow the following steps to automatically merge PowerPoint files:

  • Obtain the module in your app.
  • Initialize an instance of the LoadOptions class with the file format of the source document.
  • Instantiate an object of the Presentation class and initialize it with the first PPTX file and an object of the LoadOptions class.
  • Load the second source PPTX file.
  • Loop through the slides returned by the getSlides method.
  • Call the addClone method to add a copy of a specified slide to the end of the collection.
  • Invoke the save method to save the merged PowerPoint file on the disk.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to merge multiple PowerPoints into one programmatically:

Once you run the above code sample, a new PPTX file(i.e. combinedPresentation.pptx) will be created at your given address. You can see the output in the image below:

merge multiple PowerPoints into one

Merge PPTX Online

Aspose.Slides for Node.js via Java not only comes with a programmatic solution but also provides an online tool to merge PPTX/PPT files online. You can automatically merge PowerPoint files using this enterprise-level online Aspose PPT merger. The best thing about this tool is that it is free and you can use it in almost all popular web browsers.

merge PPTX online

Merge Multiple PowerPoints into One - Get a Free License

You can avail a free temporary license to try this PowerPoint JavaScript API without evaluation limitations.


We are ending this blog post here. Thank you so much for your attention and we hope you have learned how to combine multiple PowerPoints in Node.js programmatically. In addition, we have gone through an online PPTX merger which you can use to automatically merge PowerPoint files. Further, please visit the documentation of this PowerPoint JavaScript API. The API references will give you direct access to the classes and methods of Aspose.Slides for Node.js via Java.

Also, we recommend you visit the Getting Started Guide.

Finally, is writing new articles. So, please stay in touch for regular updates.

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How do I combine multiple PowerPoints into one?

You can combine multiple PowerPoints using Aspose.Slides for Node.js via Java. Please visit this link for further details.

How do I combine multiple PPTX files?

This online tool is used to merge PPTX online. It has a user-friendly UI where you can upload and process files easily.

See Also