Create Math Equation in PPT in C#

Math equations are a powerful tool to convey complex concepts with clarity and precision. By incorporating equations into your PowerPoint PPT slides, you can visually represent mathematical relationships, scientific principles, etc. In this guide, we will explore the art of crafting and adding math equations in PowerPoint PPT slides in C#.

C# Library to Create Math Equations in PPT

To create and add math formulas in PowerPoint PPT slides, we will use Aspose.Slides for .NET. It is a well-known C# library to create and work with PowerPoint presentations from within .NET applications. You can either download the library or install it from NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Aspose.Slides.NET 

Create a Math Equation in PowerPoint PPT in C#

In PowerPoint, you can write math equations or formulas using special math symbols that can be added to your text or equation. This is done using the math equations tool in PowerPoint, which allows you to create complicated formulas, including:

  • Math fraction
  • Math radical
  • Math function
  • Limits and log functions
  • N-ary operations
  • Matrix
  • Large operators
  • Sin, cos functions

Understanding Structure of Math Equations

Mathematical elements are building blocks for creating mathematical structures with different levels of complexity. A group of these elements together is called a MathBlock, which represents a separate mathematical expression, formula, or equation. A MathPortion is a section used to store mathematical text. The MathParagraph class helps manage sets of math blocks. These classes are essential for working with PowerPoint math equations using Aspose.Slides.

Formulating the Math Equation

As an example, let’s create the following mathematical equation in a PPT presentation using C#.

PowerPoint Math Equation

Below are the steps and portions of the code that we will write to create the above math equation.

  • First, add a math shape that will contain the mathematical text on the PPT slide.
  • The shape will have a paragraph with a mathematical portion in it by default. The MathPortion class acts as a container for the math text and to access the mathematical content inside MathPortion, we use the MathParagraph variable.
  • The MathParagraph class lets you read, add, edit, and delete math blocks (MathBlock), that consist of a combination of mathematical elements. For example, this is how we can create a fraction and add it to the math block:
  • Every mathematical element is represented by a class that implements the IMathElement interface. This interface offers numerous methods for effortless construction of mathematical expressions. Using just one line of code, it’s possible to construct a complex mathematical expression. As an illustration, the Pythagorean theorem could be expressed as follows.

C# Code to Create Math Equation in a PPT

The following is the complete C# source code to create a math equation in a PowerPoint PPT.

PowerPoint Mathematical Equations - Read More

Read more about constructing mathematical equations in a PowerPoint PPT from the documentation.

Create PowerPoint Math Formulas for Free

Use Aspose.Slides for Java and create mathematical formulas without evaluation limitations by getting a free temporary license.

Online PowerPoint Editor

Use our free PowerPoint editor to create PPT presentations online. No need to register yourself or provide any other information.


In this article, you have learned about constructing and adding mathematical equations in PowerPoint presentations in C#. The step by step guide and code snippets have illustrated how to create an equation and insert into a PPT slide. Finally, we have provided you with a free online PowerPoint editor that you can use to create your presentations.

You can explore more about Aspose.Slides for .NET by visiting the documentation. Also, you can post your queries to our forum.

See Also