[![Aspose.Slides for Android logo][1] We are proud to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java 18.10. This is one of major releases whereby we have included support for Java 10 and Java 11 in API.


Following features have been added in this release.

  • [Use Aspose.Slides for .NET 18.11 Features][2].

  • [Use Aspose.Slides for Java 18.11 Features][3].

  • [Add support of Tiff format for Android][4].

  • [Support for setting callout shape for series data label][5].

  • [Support to get effects by text-box paragraphs][6].

  • Add support for Strict Open XML format.

  • Add support for Strict Open XML format.

  • Implement serialization with Strict Open XML format compliance.

  • ChartData SetRange on a Pivot Table.

Issues Resolved

Following enhancements and issues have been fixed in this release.

  • Slow performance on Android.

  • The text is broken to the another line.

  • Exception on presentation load.

  • Exception on generating Thumbnails.

  • Diagrams not shown in the result of saving a PowerPoint file to SVG format.

  • Exception on saving presentation.

  • slow conversion from PPT to JPEG.

  • PPTX to PDF not properly converted.

  • Aspose.Slides for Java Creator information of deleted comments disappears.

  • Image is missing elements when running on Linux.

  • Animations getting lost while changing text in a placeholder in PPT’s slide.

  • Chart lines are improperly rendered in generated thumbnail.

  • PPTX not properly converted to PDF.

  • OutOfMemoryError on loading presentation.

  • Classes inside the Aspose.Slides.

  • RCA for sample failing in 16.11 but working in 17.12.

  • Exception on adding sections.

Please refer to the release notes of [Aspose.Slides for Android via Java 18.11][7] for a full view of improvements along with sample code snippets for newly added features. If you are planning to upgrade the API to the latest revision, we strongly suggest you to check the [Public API Changes][8] section to know what has been changed in the public API since your current version.

Aspose.Slides for Java Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks:

  • [Home page for Aspose.Slides for Android via Java API][9].

  • [Download Aspose.Slides for Android via Java][10].

  • [Aspose.Slides for Android via Java online documentation][11] – help documentation and API reference documents.

  • [Aspose.Slides Product Family Forum][12] – post your technical questions and queries, or any other problem you are facing while working with Aspose.Slides APIs.

  • [Enable blog Subscription][13] – Do not limit yourself, you can keep yourself updated with the latest news on Aspose.Slides APIs, new features, fixes and other API related topics by subscribing to Aspose.Slides blog.

As always we appreciate your feedback so if you ever have anything to tell us about this release or anything else, please head to the [Aspose.Slides forum][14] for a chat.

In order to download Aspose.Slides for Android via Java 18.11, please visit the [download page][15].

[1]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/aspose_slides-for-android-e1386844644397.png “Aspose.Slides for Android logo”)](https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/aspose_slides-for-android-e1386844644397.png [2]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesnet/Aspose.Slides+for+.NET+18.11+Release+Notes [3]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Aspose.Slides+for+Java+18.11+Release+Notes [4]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Converting+a+Presentation#ConvertingaPresentation-ConvertingPresentationtoTIFF [5]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Editing+Chart's+Content#EditingChart'sContent-SettingCalloutForDoughnutchart [6]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Text+Formatting#TextFormatting-Supporttogeteffectsbytext-boxparagraphs [7]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Aspose.Slides+for+Android+via+Java+18.11+Release+Notes [8]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Aspose.Slides+for+Android+via+Java+18.11+Release+Notes [9]: https://products.aspose.com/slides/android-java [10]: https://artifact.aspose.com/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/repo/com/aspose/aspose-slides/18.11 [11]: https://docs.aspose.com/display/slidesjava/Home [12]: https://forum.aspose.com/c/slides [13]: https://blog.aspose.com/category/aspose-products/aspose-slides-product-family/ [14]: https://forum.aspose.com/c/slides [15]: https://downloads.aspose.com/slides/androidjava