Image to Base64 | Image to Base64 in Python | PNG to Base64 | JPG to Base64

Base64 is a popular encoding scheme that converts binary data into a string of alphanumeric characters. It is a perfect solution for handling images, offering a universal format for data exchange, as it can represent image data as a string. Working with image data as a string facilitates various manipulation and processing tasks, such as resizing, cropping, and applying filters. We can directly embed Base64-encoded images into HTML code, which improves page loading speed. We can also store Base64-encoded images directly in databases. In this blog post, we will learn how to convert an image to Base64 in Python. 

This article covers the following topics:

  1. Python Image to Base64 Converter API
  2. Convert image to Base64
  3. Convert a PNG image to Base64
  4. Convert the image to Base64 online
  5. Free resources

Python Image to Base64 Converter API

To convert JPG or PNG images to Base64, we will use Aspose.SVG for Python. Aspose.SVG for Python library simplifies working with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in Python. One of its key features is the ability to effortlessly convert images to Base64 format.

Please download the package or install the API from PyPI using the following pip command in the console:

pip install aspose-svg-net 

Convert JPG Image to Base64 in Python

Let’s break down the process of converting images to Base64 in Python:

  1. Start by loading the input JPG image you want to convert.
  2. Initialize an instance of the SVGDocument class to represent your SVG file.
  3. Create an image element using the create_element_ns() method.
  4. Use the appropriate method to convert the image data to Base64 format.
  5. Set the Base64 string value to the href attribute using the set_attribute() method.
  6. Append the image element to the SVG document.
  7. Finally, call the save() method to save the SVG document, which now contains the Base64-encoded image.

The following code sample shows how to convert a JPG image to Base64 in Python.

Convert JPG or PNG image to Base64 in Python

Convert JPG Image to Base64 in Python

PNG to Base64 in Python

The process of converting PNG images to Base64 is similar to converting JPG images. Simply follow the same steps outlined earlier, but replace the input JPG image with a PNG image.

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Image to Base64 Converter Online

In addition, you may also convert images to Base64 online without installing any software. Use this free image to Base64 converter online tool. It works on any device and browser and requires no downloads or subscriptions.

Image to Base64 String: Free Resources

Besides converting images to Base64, Aspose.SVG offers many other features. Check out these resources to learn more:


In this article, we learned how to convert JPG or PNG images into Base64 strings using Python. Base64 encoding is a valuable technique for working with images. It allows embedding images directly into HTML, transmitting securely over networks, storing in databases, and performing various image manipulations.

Aspose.SVG for Python provides a powerful and convenient way to convert images to Base64. With its user-friendly API and extensive features, it simplifies the process and allows you to integrate image handling seamlessly into your Python projects.

In case of any ambiguity, please contact us on our free support forum.

See Also