Aspose.Tasks released!

Hot fix contains: New: Read/write access to additional fields in XML format. List of added fields: Task.Text1 - Task.Text30, Task.Cost1 - Task.Cost10, Task.Number1 - Task.Number20, Task.Date1 - Task.Date10, Task.Start1 - Task.Start10, Task.Finish1 - Task.Finish10 Resource.Text1 - Resource.Text30, Resource.Cost1 - Resource.Cost10, Resource.Number1 - Resource.Number20, Resource.Date1 - Resource.Date10, Resource.Start1 - Resource.Start10, Resource.Finish1 - Resource.Finish10
May 11, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains: Fixed: Reading style of title text on title slides. Fixed: Losing master slide on cloning slides to the same presentation if CloneSlide with 4 parameters used. Fixed: Reading presentation and cloning slides with Organizational Chart.
May 6, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Flash released!

Hot fix contains: New: FlashBitmap.BitmapType and FlashBitmap.PixelSize properties. New: Improved compression of Gif images.
May 2, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Flash released!

Dear Customers, In 1.2.0 release we offer new improved and simple images processing. DefineBits, DefineBitsJPEG2, DefineBitsJPEG3, DefineBitsLossless and DefineBitsLosless2 classes were replaced with only one powerful class FlashBitmap. This class allows to add images to flash movie (images in any format supported by .NET framework can be used except metafiles) or read images stored in SWF file. FlashBitmap constructor offer 2 parameters to choose one of seven different encoding formats.
May 1, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains: Fixed: OleObjectFrame becomes PictureFrame after slide cloning.
May 1, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains: New: Aspose.Slides can insert placeable wmf metafiles to a presentation now. Fixed: OleObjectFrame becomes PictureFrame after slide cloning.
April 28, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Dear Customers, We have released Aspose.Slides for Java The main new feature of this release is support for Wmf/Emf metafiles. It’s possible to add metafiles to slides now. To work with metafiles you have to purchase our new “Aspose.Metafiles for Java” library. Both placeable and non-placeable wmf metafiles are supported as well as any emf files. Creating thumbnail of a slide with metafiles is coming soon. Also fixed problem with PP2003 SP2 when it couldn’t open presentation if any slides with notes had been deleted.
April 25, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Metafiles for Java released!

Dear Customers, We have released first version of Aspose.Metafiles for Java. The main purpose of this new library is: Open wmf/emf metafiles. Read metafile’s information. Convert metafiles to other image formats through creating RenderedImage object. Play metafiles on standard Graphics2D object. The first release can open both Wmf and Emf and convert/play Emf metafiles. Converting Wmf files will be available in the next release. The estimated date is May, 1.
April 24, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Slides for .NET released!

Hot fix contains: Fixed: PP2003 SP2 couldn’t open presentation if any slides with notes had been deleted.
April 21, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus

Aspose.Slides for Java released!

Hot fix contains: New: Support for PictureFrames with linked images. See isPictureLinked() and getPictureFileName() functions. Fixed: Better recognizing master textholders and correct drawing it on thumbnails. Changed: isTextHolder() function moved from Rectangle to Shape class. New: Shape.isMasterTextHolder() function. New: Slide.isMasterSlide() function. Fixed: Exception when getEffectiveTabs function called. Fixed: Correct calculating height of rows in a table if information about table is broken in ppt file. Fixed: Creating new notes for a slide.
April 17, 2006 · 1 min · Alcrus