Square 9 implemented Word, PDF, Excel files Management within SmartSearch solution using Aspose.Total for .NET Product suite

About Square 9 Square 9 is a young, vibrant, FUN company—a personality that is reflected in our robust growth, our beautiful new office, and the passion and dedication of our ever-expanding team. At Square 9, we may play the occasional game, but we also deliver game-changing solutions every day. SmartSearch was developed to address an unfulfilled need in the marketplace for a powerful, yet affordable document management solution. What made SmartSearch unique was that it offered much of the same functionality found in enterprise-level solutions for less than a fraction of the cost.
March 6, 2008 · 3 min · Brian Banet

Concept64 enabled Vivid Word to HTML, PDF conversion and PDF concatenation features using Aspose APIs

About Concept64 At Concept64, we had to design and build a content managed literature section for a health-related website. The client team was going to create and manage the content in MS Word but wanted to make the same available on their website. Registered users shall not only browse the content but download individual articles in PDF format. Additionally, they could combine multiple articles to compile their own collection of articles, and download it all as one PDF file.
December 30, 2007 · 2 min · Chandan Kanadia

How to insert image, rescaling it to fit the container''s size

Sometimes, there is a need to rescale the images so that they could comply with the overall design of the document or simply fit to page size. The best way to do it is creating a container having the desired size and putting it to the document. The two possible candidates for containers are table cell or textbox. And the best way to mark up the place for image insertion is an image merge field (the filed that has the “Image:” prefix in its name).
May 14, 2007 · 4 min · Miklovan

HICT generated Dynamic Medical Information Reports in compliance with strict Privacy and Patient Safety Regulations

About HICT HICT is a Belgian company founded in 2004 with the goal to develop deep expertise in healthcare on an innovative consulting concept. From the very beginning, HICT has challenged the various evolutions within the healthcare sector through a model where the market requirements interact with the vision of HICT’s multi-disciplinary team. For one of the major suppliers of Medical Devices, HICT wrote an extensive bi-directional integration component to fully integrate the former stand-alone devices into a generic hospital infrastructure.
April 21, 2007 · 2 min · Pascal Sabbe

QLBS Generates High Fidelity Complex Reports in various formats within seconds using APIs

About QuantumLeap.Pro QLBS was founded in New Zealand in 2002 by Steve Lewin, a brilliant business consultant, and technologist. We are based in New Zealand where innovation happens ‘on the edge’. It is no coincidence that the first cloud accounting system came from New Zeland. And after cloud accounting comes cloud compliance - and we are it. ​ We installed a version of Aspose.Words for .NET (3.4) having installed v2.5 about July last year (2005).
January 25, 2006 · 3 min · Steve Lewin

Paperless Proof-of-Delivery for a Manufacturing Company made possible using Aspose.Words for .NET

I am a software developer currently working for a company in the Midlands (UK) that specializes in Manufacturing Software Solutions. Our flagship product is a fully traceable MRP system that can be applied to almost any business situation and tailored (both by the user as well as by us) to fit any level of a company’s day to day operations. Whether it is entering new customer details or tracing were a batch of material originated on the shop floor, our software provides complete transparency and traceability during the manufacturing process.
November 29, 2005 · 5 min · Graham Plumb

When to choose Aspose.Words over other solutions

As I’m the architect of Aspose.Word, I happened to have some ideas floating around that I thought might help you to choose the right tool for your project quicker and easier. Please note, this is just my personal point of view and although I’ll try to be objective, you can expect some bias just because I know more about Aspose.Words than other options. If you are in the market for a component or solution to handle MS Word documents, you have several alternatives:
December 17, 2004 · 4 min · Romank