Aspose continues to add more resellers every month. We are happy to add 2 new countries to our list in the past 2 months. We can now offer resellers in Japan and Spain. We offer 107 authorized resellers to help make ordering easier. You can view our list of resellers here:
If you need any help, please contact our sales.
Welcome to more resellers
Aspose Sales are continuing to add resellers to our list of partners. In the past 2 weeks, we have added Microway which has 2 locations in Australia and 1 location in New Zealand. We have added Adept. They are our first reseller in Greece. We also have another first for Russia, Softline Corporation. Today, we have added Micrographics. They are located in India. Our list of partners is growing tremendously. We are excited about new partners and the chance to make ordering easier for our customers.
Welcome to our new resellers
Aspose Sales have started actively seeking out new reselling partners worldwide. In the past week, we have added 14 new resellers. We have added many new countries to our list. Here are our new countries: Slovakia, India, Israel, Italy, and Thailand. We also have additions to these countries: Netherlands, Brazil, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, and Singapore. We are so excited about our new resellers and hope that we can provide more convenience for our worldwide customers.
Now, we are offering a new resellers’ program called Aspose.Partners. If you are interested in signing up as a reseller, please see this page: This will allow the resellers to see an immediate Partners’ Price when viewing the purchasing pages. This will help resellers find out quotes quicker. If you are interested and have additional questions, please send emails to We appreciate your partnership.
Aspose Sales - Testimonials
Dear Customers
A testimonial thread has been added in our purchasing forum. If you have received quality service and would like to share with others, please feel free to post your experience. We take pride in our quality of service at Aspose and would like others to learn about it.
If you need any assistance, please contact us.
Merit Cooper
Aspose Sales offers Coupons!
Dear Customers,
We are pleased to announce our new arrival of coupons. Now, Aspose can offer your company a coupon with a preset discount that you can use during your checkout. This is a great time saver. If you have recently received a coupon to apply towards your order and are having problems, I will be available to help you. Contact sales. Remember to always help us know who you are by sending us either your username or your Order ID when contacting us.
Aspose Sales - Ticket System
Dear Customers,
Aspose sales is now using a ticket system which helps us handle our emails more efficiently. The ticket system will allow multiple people to manage our sales emails without the fear of losing them or accidentally not seeing them. If you ever send us an email and are not answered within a day or so, please send us another email. Chances are that it didn’t make it through. We generally are very fast in response time.
Licensing and Purchasing Support
Dear Customers
I wanted to welcome anyone who might have questions about licensing or purchasing to contact me. I am more than happy to help explain or assist in order to make your experience as stress-free as possible. We have a few methods for contacting the Aspose Sales Department. You may use whichever one is most comfortable and convenient for you.
Happy New Year
We have had a wonderful time in 2004 and hope to have an even better time in 2005. We have increased our number of components we offer remarkably in the past few months. Keep up the good work! Good luck to the developers who are trying to release new components right now. I wish great success to all of the members of the Aspose family, who are scattered all around the world.
New FAQ page to help with sales questions
Hello all,
We now have a new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page to help with your questions. We have just started to add to this growing list but already there are many common questions answered such as “What is unlimited?” View FAQ page here. Our goal is to help make your purchasing and licensing process faster and easier. We hope that you find a quick answer and save yourself some time.