Convert PDF to PDF/A-3a, Create PDF/A_3a and Attach XML to PDF in Java

In every new release, we closely analyze our customers’ requirements and focus even towards minor details, so that we come up with features which produce remarkable outputs and bring ease to their life by eliminating the hassle of writing huge lines of code. All this can be accomplished using a single API instead of numerous components/softwares. Empowering the API with new rich features and enhancements, a new release of Aspose.
August 24, 2015 · 5 min · Codewarior

Better support for custom parameters to generate stunning PDF files with Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services 3.3.0

Aspose.Pdf for SSRS has been published which contains specific fixes related to page orientation when exporting .RDL files to PDF format. One of the salient features of Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services is to specify the orientation of resultant PDF when transforming the input .RDL file and all this can be achieved using a single configuration parameter supported by this rendering extension. All you have to do is to specify a Boolean value for IsLandscape parameter in Report Server configuration file i.
August 4, 2015 · 1 min · Codewarior

Better Inter File Format Conversion Aspose.PDF for Java

In order to cater some immediate and high priority issues, a new Hotfix of Aspose.PDF for Java 10.4.1 has been published which contains fixes for priority issues recently reported. The inter-file format conversion has been one of the key improvement areas as we have specifically fixed issues regarding HTML to PDF, PDF to PNG and PDF to XML conversion features. With this new HotFix, the API has become compatible with OSGI framework and works flawlessly with the Apache Karaf Application server.
August 4, 2015 · 1 min · Codewarior

An Optimized Text Rendering inside PDF with Unicode Support - Android

The long-awaited release of Aspose.PDF for Android 1.7.0 containing fixes for problems reported in earlier versions, has been published. With every new release, the API has become more stable and rich in terms of features and capabilities being introduced over Android platform. Among various fixes, the PDF to Image conversion, addition of image inside PDF document, rendering of normal as well as UniCode text in PDF document, text formatting preservation in resultant file and manipulation of large PDF files are one of the key improvement areas.
July 30, 2015 · 1 min · Codewarior

HTML to PDF using C# - Set Absolute Value of CSS Position Property

The new release of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 10.5.0 has been published which provides some great enhancements specific for HTML to PDF conversion feature. There are indeed improvements at the foundation of the API to enhance performance and its enriched with lots enhancements, which you will appreciate every day. Your applications based on our API will become more essential and productive. The more you do with Aspose.Pdf for .NET 10.5.0, the more you’ll wonder how you ever did without it.
June 17, 2015 · 3 min · Codewarior

Convert PDF/A to PDF in C# with Aspose.PDF for .NET

The new release of Aspose.PDF for .NET 10.4.0 has been published with new and exciting features. Among these new features, there have been numerous improvements in existing API features. However, likewise earlier releases, the main focus has been towards bug fixing and stability of API to work without any hassle in various circumstances. Convert PDF/A to PDF in C# Conversion of PDF files to PDF/A compliance format is one of the salient features being offered by our API, where you get the option to transform newly created PDF or any existing PDF file to:
June 2, 2015 · 2 min · Codewarior

Better License Initialization and Optimized Performance for Stamp Instance with Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0

A new release of Aspose.PDF for Java 10.3.0 provides better license initialization capabilities. As shared in earlier blogs, we introduced a method clear() in com.aspose.pdf.MemoryCleaner class, which provides Memory Cleanup features so that memory is set free from unused objects. This method optimizes API performance as system resources are released, leaving API with ample resources to perform various PDF creation and manipulation operations. In this new release, we have also optimized TextStamp operation.
May 24, 2015 · 1 min · Codewarior

Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services 3.2.0 is a better and stable release

Aspose.Pdf for SSRS includes fixes reported in earlier versions. The .RDL to PDF conversion has been greatly improved to generate high fidelity output. Therefore when using this new release, the rendering of particular font with specific size and text alignments are carefully considered, so that resultant PDF is identical and in accordance to formatting of source/input .RDL file.
May 24, 2015 · 1 min · Codewarior

Rearrange Page Contents after Text Replace, Convert PDF to PDF/A_2a Format, PDF to DOC/HTML/Image with Aspose.PDF for Java 10.2.0

A new release of Aspose.PDF for Java 10.2.0 is published which brings some new features for PDF manipulation. Among these new features, we always strive to make this API robust enough that it can fulfill most of our customers’ requirements and works without any problem on various configurations. We are pretty much aware that the transformation of one file format to another is not an easy task because each format has particular specifications and the rendering mechanism should preserve data, as well formatting when saving the resultant files.
May 4, 2015 · 3 min · Codewarior

Superb PDF to Image and Image to PDF conversion with Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.6.0

Aspose.Pdf for Java is our award winning API to create as well as manipulate PDF documents over Java platform. Porting same powerful features to Android platform, we created Aspose.Pdf for Android which offers most of the remarkable functionalities and provides same capabilities to create PDF from beginning or manipulate them over Android platform. In this new version, we have specifically improved the PDF to raster images conversion and vice versa, convert raster images to PDF format with great fidelity.
May 3, 2015 · 1 min · Codewarior