Announcing Aspose.Imaging - programming with image files

Sydney, Australia - October 10, 2011 - Aspose products help developers work with a wide variety of file formats from within their own applications. Many of our products are developed with specific business processes in mind: Aspose.Words works with word processing files, Aspose.Cells works with spreadsheets and Aspose.Slides works with presentation files. The APIs and GUI controls that we provide save developers days of effort, freeing them up to focus on their own business logic instead of getting lost in file format management and conversion.
October 11, 2011 · 3 min · Caroline Von Schmalensee

Self Contained PDF to XPS, PDF to PDF/A-1B, better memory management

The new version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.3.0 supports a self contained mechanism of rendering PDF documents into XPS format while using two simple lines of code. This new version also gives you the capability to check either the source PDF document is linearized or not and also you have the leverage to add background image to table cell from a web URL. There has been great improvement in terms of memory management when the requirement comes to export of Bookmarks from PDF, conversion of PDF files into PDF/A-1B, addition of form fields to large documents, HTML to PDF conversion, addition of images to existing PDF files and extraction of text from PDF files.
October 10, 2011 · 1 min · Codewarior

Aspose.Words for SharePoint maintenance v.2.3.0 release is ready.

We have released Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.3.0. This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words. To download the release, please visit the download area. As usual at our forum we are glad to answer any questions you might have. Enjoy!
October 10, 2011 · 1 min · Dmitry Matveenko

The Last Version of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET is Published

![Aspose.Pdf icon][1]. You may use Aspose.Pdf for .NET both for creating new PDF files from scratch and manipulating existing PDF files. We tried to keep you updated with any developments and migration processes. Just to give you some background, here are some of the related blog posts: New Aspose.Pdf for .NET – Merged Aspose.Pdf.Kit and Aspose.Pdf: A Sneak Peek! Introduction to Merged Aspose.Pdf API Migrating from Legacy Code to Merged Aspose.
October 5, 2011 · 2 min · Shahzad Latif

Table.AutoFit, Table.Style and Other Improvements in Aspose.Words 10.5

This post is about our latest Aspose.Words 10.5 release. We regularly produce a new release at the end of each month and each release contains around one hundred improvements and fixes. As usual, you can download Aspose.Words from: Aspose.Words for .NET 10.5.0 Aspose.Words for Java 10.5.0 Improvements in the Public API for Tables Earlier versions of Aspose.Words had some in the area of formatting tables, rows and cells programmatically. It is sufficient to mention that “table formatting” was not directly available on the Table object, instead you had to apply it to every row using Row.
October 4, 2011 · 3 min · Romank

Disentangling email and network programming: introducing Aspose.Email

Sydney, Australia - 30 September, 2011 - Aspose.Network is changing in recognition of how our customers use it. The main change is in the name: our customers use Aspose.Network for email programming so we are changing the name to Aspose.Email. Aspose.Network for Java will be renamed Aspose.Email for Java. Aspose.Network for SharePoint will be renamed Aspose.Email for SharePoint. Aspose.Network for .NET has been split into two products: Aspose.Email for .NET contains email programming features and Aspose.
September 30, 2011 · 3 min · Caroline Von Schmalensee

Form Filling and Flattening and Text Extraction from PDF in Java

Aspose.PDF for Java 4.0.0 has been published. In this latest version, we have added two new features related to text extraction: extracting text to HTML and getting text formatting information along with extracted text. You can find the details and code samples in the following knowledgebase topics: Extract text to HTML file Extract text formatting information In addition to that, we have fixed issues related to PDF flattening, annotation rendering, text replacement, form filling and flattening, PDF to image conversion, and image extraction.
September 24, 2011 · 1 min · Shahzad Latif

PCL to PDF, better TrueTypeFont, stable image to PDF conversion

The new version of Aspose.Pdf for Java 3.0.1 has been released. It provides with you the option to convert PCL files into PDF format. PCL (Printer Command Language) is a Hewlett-Packard printer language developed to access standard printer features. With this latest version of Aspose.Pdf you can convert these files into PDF format. Here’s a detailed description of supported commands by versions of the Aspose.Pfd for Java: Sets of commands Support Exceptions Job control commands 2.
September 19, 2011 · 2 min · Codewarior

Render to custom graphics and useful APIs included in Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.1

We have just released next ported version v7.0.1. It includes some useful enhancements for worksheet-to-image and Excel-to-PDF features. It now supports the “render to custom graphics” feature. We also made some valuable APIs available that were missing in the previous version. There are some other enhancements and fixes too. Download URL:
September 14, 2011 · 1 min · Amjad Sahi

iCalendar support added in Aspose.Network for Java

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of Aspose.Network for Java 2.3. In this version, we added the iCalendar component. iCalendar is already part of Aspose.Network for .NET, now you can generate dates according to the specified recurrence pattern in Java. Below is an example to generate dates based on a recurrence pattern: String pattern = “DTSTART:19970902T090000\n” + “RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=19971007T000000Z;WKST=SU;BYDAY=SU,MO”; RecurrencePattern recPattern = new RecurrencePattern(pattern); // Get all the dates generated by this rule
September 13, 2011 · 1 min · Saqib Razzaq