Learn how to compress Excel files in Python using the Aspose.ZIP for Python via .NET. A beginner’s guide to efficient file compression with code examples.
Auto-Fit Rows and Columns in Excel in Python
While working on the spreadsheets, you may often need to adjust the rows’ height and columns’ width according to the length of the text. For such cases, MS Excel provides a feature of auto-fitting the size of the cells. However, as a programmer, you may have to enable this feature for the Excel files programmatically. Therefore, in this article, I’ll show you how to auto-fit rows and columns in Excel files in Python
Convert JSON Files to PDF in Python
JSON files provide a convenient way to import or export data within the web, desktop, or mobile applications. You can easily generate or parse the JSON files programmatically. However, in certain cases, you have to convert the received JSON data to other formats. In this article, you will learn how to convert a JSON file to PDF in Python.
Convert Excel XLS Files to XLSX in Python
Excel spreadsheets are commonly used to store small or large sized data conveniently. Moreover, you can visualize the spreadsheet data and perform differnet operations to manipulate it. XLS was the earlier file format that was used by Microsoft Excel to store spreadsheet data. Although Microsoft introduced XLSX in 2007 with extended features and capabilities, various people still use XLS format that you have to convert to XLSX afterwards. In this article, you will learn how to convert XLS files to XLSX format programmatically in Python.
Disable Compatibility Checker in Excel in Python
MS Excel compatibility checker ensures that a file in an older format does not use the features provided by the newer Excel version. Thus, people using older versions of Excel do not face compatibility issues. While manipulating Excel files, you may need to disable the compatibility checker dynamically. To achieve it, this article shows how to enable or disable the compatibility checker for MS Excel workbooks in Python.
Python Code Examples for Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Spreadsheets using Aspose.Cells for Java
We are pleased to announce “[Aspose.Cells Java for Python][1] developers who want to utilize [Aspose.Cells for Java API][2] to create, edit, read and manipulate Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice spreadsheets in their Python applications.
Using Python for MS Excel and OpenOffice Spreadsheets Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing and using Aspose.Cells Java for Python.
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