Change OLE Objects in Visio and Read or Convert Macro-Enabled Visio Diagrams in Java
We’re pleased to announce that the new version 6.6.0 of Aspose.Diagram for Java API is now live. This new version adds features and provides the most notable and useful new APIs for application developers. It incorporates a way to access and modify code modules in the VBA project of Visio, read or convert macro-enabled Visio diagrams. Developers may also convert macro-enabled drawings to macro-free drawings and vice versa. Besides this, developers can manipulate OLE objects in the Visio diagram.
VSSX and VSTX Extension Support, Embed Resultant HTML Resources and Copy Style Properties using Aspose.Diagram for Java 5.9.0
We are happy to let our community know about the changes and newly offered features in our latest version 5.9.0 of the Aspose.Diagram for Java API. The complete support for reading and writing VSSX stencil and VSTX template have been added. Developers can also embed output HTML resources into the single HTML document, copy styles and page sheet properties from other Visio drawings. This release also includes the most recent bug fixes and enhanced retrieval of the diagram properties, shapes visibility and auto shape positioning.