
Retaining Project Views during Rendering

Rendering project data has been supported by Aspose.Tasks for a long time and there have been a number of improvements to this feature. This month’s release also includes improvements to the MPP file rendering functionality to mimic Microsoft Project’s (MSP) behavior for the same functionality. It now provides the capability to retain various views as contained in the source project document. This includes support for:

  • Gantt chart
  • Task usage
  • Resource usage
  • Resource sheet
  • Task sheet

Other enhancements in this month’s release include:

  • Retaining the source document’s columns during rendering: This enhancement retains the columns from the project document when rendering project data to different output formats. This keeps all the columns in the output, including custom field columns.
  • Rendering project data to a single image output: Rendering project data to separate output image files was supported in one of our earlier releases. However, the feature lacked support for rendering large projects to a single image without any borders. This month’s release now makes it possible to render large projects to a single image on a large page size such as A0.

This month’s release also includes a number of bug fixes similar to those reported with our .NET version. These include issues related to:

  • Jumbling of resource names for recurring tasks while rendering project data.
  • Exceptions while loading and saving certain MPP files.
  • Issues with Gantt chart view.
  • Saving project data to separate files using streams.

We welcome your feedback

If you have any query/inquiry or want to share your feedback with us, please feel free to write to us over [Aspose.Tasks forum][2]. We’ll be glad to address your concerns and assist you further.

[1]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/09/aspose-Tasks-for-Java_100.png “aspose-Tasks-for-Java_100”)](https://www.aspose.com/java/project-management-component.aspx)After the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 7.0.0, we are now pleased to share the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 7.0.0. Ported from the .NET version, this month’s release incorporates the same enhancements and bug fixes. This latest version can be downloaded by visiting our [product download page](https://www.aspose.com/community/files/72/java-components/aspose.tasks-for-java/default.aspx [2]: https://forum.aspose.com/c/tasks