What’s New:

  • Reading comments from a metafile. Small example how to read comments:
> WmfMetafile wfile = new WmfMetafile(file);  
> MetafileComment[] comments = wfile.getComments();  
> for(int i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {  
>     System.out.println("comment " + comments[i].getRecordIndex() + ": " +  
>     Charset.defaultCharset().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(comments[i].getCommentData())).toString());  
> }  
  • Rendering text in different charsets. Aspose.Metafiles should select right charset automatically but it is possible to override it through rendering hints.
> MetafileCharsetCollection cc = new MetafileCharsetCollection();  
> Charset charset = (Charset)Charset.availableCharsets().get("windows-1251");  
> cc.SetCharset(MetafileCharsetCollection.DEFAULT_CHARSET, charset);  
> renderingHints.put(MetafileCharsetCollection.METAFILES_CHARSET_COLLECTION, cc);  


  • 3862 - Aspose.Metafiles didn’t work with Aspose.Total for Java license.

To download: https://www.aspose.com/Community/Files/51/aspose.metafiles/default.aspx