We have published the latest version of Aspose.Flash for .NET. In Aspose.Flash for .NET 2.4.0, performance and memory utilization is improved. We have also enhanced the FLV and Bitmap manipulation features. The process of getting bitmaps from FlashBitmap object is much better in the latest version. We have also worked on embedding MP3 files in a flash movie and DefineText features and enhanced both of these processes.
Aspose.Flash for .NET also allows you to add multiple FLV files in a flash movie and you can extract all or any of these embedded FLV files as well using the file id. We have explained this process in our latest article on embedding and extracting multiple FLV files. You can read the article at this link.
You can see the complete list of changes and download the latest version from the Aspose.Flash for .NET download section.