We are excited to share the news of extension in Aspose.Words product family. The news is also of excitement for application developers who would love to incorporate Word document processing functionalities in their native Mac applications via Xamarin.
Aspose, a file formats API provider, has decided to add **Xamarin.Mac **to the Aspose.Words’ platforms that they support. The name of this product will be Aspose.Words for Mac via Xamarin. This new Aspose.Words for Mac via Xamarin API will be released during the start of next month. This new product is all about bringing stunning features of Aspose.Words for .NET to the Xamarin.Mac platform that makes it possible to do native Mac development in C#, with either Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio for Mac.
Aspose.Words for Mac via Xamarin API will make it possible for native Mac developers to open, convert, manipulate and combine Microsoft Word and other popular word processing file formats from within their native Mac applications.
Mac developers will be able to offer their users high-fidelity file conversions to and from DOC, OOXML, RTF, WordprocessingML, HTML, MHTML, TXT and OpenDocument formats. Full programmatic access through a rich API to all Word document elements and formatting allows to create, modify, extract, copy, split, join, and replace document content. Mac developers will be able to convert whole documents or pages to PDF or XPS inside their native Mac apps. All with high fidelity - exactly like Microsoft Word® would have done it. Mac developers will be able to easily generate documents or reports from scratch or by filling templates with data from data sources or business objects.
Developers, who used Aspose.Words for .NET in their projects before, will find names and behavior of many classes, methods and properties familiar in this new Aspose.Words for Mac via Xamarin API. I would also like to mention that Aspose.Words for .NET is a highly trusted API and native Mac developers will get the same feeling in the new Aspose.Words for Mac via Xamarin API. Although, it has a few limitations at the moment but Aspose’s ultimate goal is to port all features of Aspose.Words for .NET to Aspose.Words for Mac via Xamarin API. Aspose also ensures that the learning curve is minimal because they borrow best practices from the Xamarin.Mac Design Guidelines and provide a balance of easy usage vs detailed document element manipulation.
About Aspose
Aspose provides .NET, Java, Android, Mac, SharePoint, Reporting Services, and Cloud-based APIs for document generation, conversion, and automation. It functions with documents produced with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Portable Document Format and OpenDocument, and also has APIs to handle barcodes, optical character recognition, and email formats and protocols.
We will soon update our valued customers about the release of this new product upon availability for public download. Stay tuned until then!