Online ZIP Password Recovery

Online ZIP Password Recovery

ZIP is a common way to make files smaller and put them together by applying a compression algorithm. Sometimes, people protect these ZIP files with passwords to keep them safe. However, if you forget or lose the password, it can be annoying and take a lot of time to crack ZIP password. In such cases, you can use our online ZIP password recovery tool free of cost.

Our free ZIP password recovery is a powerful tool to crack password-protected ZIP files. You can easily remove passwords from your ZIP archives without having any technical expertise.

How to Recover Password of a ZIP Archive?

Our ZIP password cracker tool is user-friendly that can remove passwords from ZIP archives in a few simple steps, as mentioned below.

  • Select the ZIP file by either uploading it or dragging and dropping it into the designated area.
  • Configure the parameters for the ZIP file’s password, such as the minimum and maximum password length, possible word, etc.
  • Initiate the ZIP password recovery process by clicking the “Start” button.
  • Once finished, the current password for the file will be displayed on the screen.

Please note that all the input ZIP files are kept secure on our servers and deleted automatically after 24 hours.

Why Online Password Recovery Tool?

There could be several reasons why you would prefer to use our online tool to remove passwords from your ZIP archives. Below are a few of them.

  • Accessibility: You can effortlessly access this online tool via web browsers from any internet-connected device. It eliminates the requirement to install ZIP password recovery software.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The tool features a user-friendly interface that streamlines the password recovery process, making it easy to use for individuals having no technical expertise.

  • Cost-Effective: This tool is available free of cost, enabling you to recover the ZIP passwords without paying a single penny.

  • Anonymity: The tool ensures your privacy by not asking for any personal information or forcing you to create an account.

Recover ZIP Password - Developer’s Guide

If you are a developer and want to implement a ZIP password recovery feature in your application, you can do it using our standalone library, Aspose.ZIP for .NET. Below are the steps to remove password from a ZIP archive in C#.

string template = "T0p$ecret{0}{1}";
for (char c = 'A'; c < 'Z'; c++)
    bool correct = false;
    for (int i = 10; i < 99; i++)
        string password = string.Format(template, c, i);
            using (Archive a = new Archive("", new ArchiveLoadOptions() {DecryptionPassword = password}))
            correct = true;
        catch (System.IO.InvalidDataException e)
            correct = false;
        if (correct)
            Console.WriteLine($"Proper password: {password}");

    if (correct)

Explore ZIP Library

You can explore our .NET ZIP library using the resource given below:

Free ZIP Password Remover - FAQs

How to recover password for a ZIP file?

Simply upload the ZIP file, set the parameters for the password and the online password recovery tool will handle everything for you.

How long does it typically take to remove a ZIP file’s password?

Easy passwords can be recovered in a matter of seconds, while complex and strong passwords may take up to 10 minutes or more.

Can I extract a password-protected ZIP file?

Absolutely! With the correct password, which will be displayed in your browser upon unlocking the ZIP, you can extract a password-protected ZIP file.

Is the ZIP password recovery tool free of cost?

Yes, our online password recovery tool is completely free of charge.


This article provided you with a powerful ZIP password recovery tool that you can use to remove passwords from ZIP archives. This online tool makes it possible to unlock ZIP files that are protected with complex passwords. You can simply open the tool in your browser and recover the password for your ZIP archives from anywhere anytime. In addition, we have introduced to you the ZIP library that you can use for ZIP manipulation operations in your application.

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