Convert Excel to JSON in Node.js | XLS to JSON in Node.js

As a software developer, you’ve likely encountered scenarios where you need to extract data from Excel files and transform it into a more developer-friendly format like JSON. In this post, you’ll learn how to easily convert Excel to JSON using Node.js, turning complex spreadsheet data into a structured, developer-friendly format ready for integration into your projects. Let’s dive in!

This article covers the following topics:

Node.js Excel to JSON Converter - Free Download

Aspose.Cells for Node.js is a powerful API that simplifies the handling of Excel files within your Node.js applications. It provides a comprehensive set of features to manipulate Excel files effortlessly. It allows developers to load, edit, and convert Excel files with minimal effort, all while maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the data. We will use this library to convert data from Excel worksheets to JSON format.

Please download the package from downloads or install it directly from NPM by running the following command:

> npm install aspose.cells.node

Convert Excel to JSON in Node.js

The following are the steps to convert Excel data to JSON in Node.js:

  • Load an Excel file using the Workbook class.
  • Save the JSON file using method.

The following code sample shows how to convert an Excel file to JSON format in Node.js.

Input Excel Data

Excel to JSON in Node.js

Output JSON

Read our detailed article about converting JSON to Excel in Node.js.

Get a Free License

Unlock the full potential of Aspose.Cells for Node.js with no limitations! Visit our Temporary License page to get your free, unrestricted license today.

Convert Excel to JSON Online

You can also try our free Excel to JSON converter to effortlessly convert data from your XLS or XLSX files into JSON format online. Experience fast, accurate results with this powerful, high-speed tool.

Free Excel to JSON Online Converter
Input file
Output format

XLSX to JSON Converter – Free Resources

In addition to converting Excel files to JSON, discover how to create, manipulate, and convert Excel files, and explore various other features of Aspose.Cells for Node.js with the resources below:


In summary, converting Excel files to JSON using Node.js is a powerful way to handle data processing and integration. With Aspose.Cells for Node.js, you can effortlessly transform complex spreadsheets into structured JSON format, enabling seamless integration into your applications. By following the steps outlined, you can easily export data from XLS or XLSX files into JSON format. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at our free support forum.

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