Convert PFB to TTF in JavaScript

PFB and TTF are two common font formats used in digital design. PFB, or PostScript Font Binary, is an older format, while TTF, or TrueType Font, is more modern and widely supported. If you have a PFB font and need to use it in a project that requires TTF, you will need to convert it. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of converting PFB to TTF using JavaScript.

This article covers the following topics:

JavaScript Library to Convert PFB to TTF

We will use the Aspose.Font for JavaScript library to perform PFB to TTF conversion. It is a robust library that simplifies the task of converting PFB fonts to TTF format. With Aspose.Font, you can easily integrate font conversion functionality into your JavaScript applications, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of platforms and devices. It enables developers to manipulate, extract, and manage font data in multiple formats.

Please download the library and follow the instructions for installing Aspose.Font for JavaScript.

Convert PFB to TTF using JavaScript

We can quickly convert PFB fonts to TTF format in JavaScript within a web application. We will load the PFB file and then convert it to TTF. To avoid blocking the main UI thread, a web worker thread will perform the heavy lifting. This makes our converter application more user-friendly, simplifies the conversion process, and enables efficient file downloads.

Please follow the steps below to convert the PFB font into TrueType font using JavaScript:

  • Create a web worker using the following code snippet:
  • Convert PFB to TTF by following the below steps:
  1. Choose the PFB file to convert.
  2. Create a FileReader object.
  3. Run the AsposeFontConvertToSVG function.
  4. Set the name of the output file in the json.fileNameResult.
  5. Check if json.errorCode is 0. If it is, get the links to the converted files. If not, the error details are in json.errorText.
  6. The DownloadFile function creates a link so you can download the converted file to your computer.

The following code sample shows how to convert a PFB font file to TTF format using JavaScript.

Convert PFB to TTF in JavaScript

Try PFB to TTF Free Online Converter

You can also convert PFB files to TTF using this free online PFB to TTF converter tool. You can access it on any device with any available web browser.

Get JavaScript Font Library

You can get a free temporary license to try the JavaScript font library without evaluation limitations.

PFB to TTF - Free Resources

Besides converting PFB fonts to TrueType fonts, explore various other features of the library using these resources:


In this article, we have learned how to convert PFB fonts to TTF format using JavaScript. We’ve explored the use of Aspose.Font for JavaScript, which provides a powerful and efficient solution for converting fonts. You can also use online tools for quick conversions. By following these steps, you can easily ensure compatibility with a wider range of applications and devices. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us in our free support forum.

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