Extract Images from PowerPoint PPT in Java

In certain cases, you may need to extract images from PowerPoint presentations along with the text. To achieve that, this article covers how to extract images from PowerPoint PPT or PPTX in Java. You will also learn how to extract images only from the backgrounds or the shapes in PPT slides.

Java API to Extract Images from PowerPoint PPT

Aspose.Slides for Java is a popular and feature-rich API that allows you to create and manipulate PowerPoint presentations seamlessly. We will use this API for extracting images from PPT/PPTX files. You can either download API’s JAR or install it using the following Maven configurations.


    <name>Aspose Java API</name>



Extract Images from a PowerPoint PPT in Java

In PowerPoint presentations, all the images used in the slides are stored in an image collection. This collection can be accessed and each image can be saved as a file. The following are the steps to extract all the images in a PPT presentation in Java.

  • First, use Presentation class to load the PPT/PPTX presentation.
  • Then, access the image collection in the presentation using Presentation.getImages() method.
  • Finally, get type and format of each image and save it.

The following code sample shows how to extract images from a PowerPoint PPTX file in Java.

// Load the presentation
Presentation pres = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
int imageIndex = 1;
String imageType = "";
String imagePath = "Image_";
// Loop through images
for (IPPImage image : pres.getImages()) {
// Get image type
imageType = image.getContentType();
imageType = imageType.substring(imageType.indexOf("/") + 1, imageType.length());
// Save image
try {
ImageIO.write(image.getSystemImage(), imageType, new File(imagePath + imageIndex + "." + imageType.toString()));
} catch (IOException ex) {

Extract Images from PPTX Shapes in Java

You can also extract images only from the shapes in the PPT slides. The following are the steps to accomplish that.

  • First, use Presentation class to load the presentation file.
  • Then, use Presentation.getSlides() method to access slides collection.
  • For each slide, access its shapes using ISlide.getShapes() method.
  • Perform the following steps for each shape in the collection:
    • Check if the shape is an auto shape and filled with a picture then extract its image using getImage() method.
    • Check if the shape is a picture frame then extract its image using getImage() method.
    • Finally, save the image as a file.

The following code sample shows how to extract images from shapes in a PPT using Java.

// Load the presentation
Presentation pres = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
com.aspose.slides.IPPImage img = null;
int slideIndex = 0;
String imageType = "";
boolean isImageFound = false;
// Loop through slides
for (int i = 0; i < pres.getSlides().size(); i++) {
// Access slide
ISlide sl = pres.getSlides().get_Item(i);
for (int j = 0; j < sl.getShapes().size(); j++) {
// Access the shape
IShape sh = sl.getShapes().get_Item(j);
// Check if it is an auto shape
if (sh instanceof IAutoShape) {
IAutoShape ashp = (IAutoShape) sh;
if (ashp.getFillFormat().getFillType() == FillType.Picture) {
img = ashp.getFillFormat().getPictureFillFormat().getPicture().getImage();
imageType = img.getContentType();
imageType = imageType.substring(0, imageType.indexOf("/") + 1);
isImageFound = true;
// If shape is a picture frame
else if (sh instanceof IPictureFrame) {
IPictureFrame pf = (IPictureFrame) sh;
img = pf.getPictureFormat().getPicture().getImage();
imageType = img.getContentType();
imageType = imageType.substring(imageType.indexOf("/") + 1, imageType.length());
isImageFound = true;
// Set the desired picture format
if (isImageFound) {
try {
ImageIO.write(img.getSystemImage(), imageType,
new File("Slide_" + slideIndex + "_Shape_" + j + "." + imageType));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Exception
isImageFound = false;

Java Image Extraction from PPT Slide Backgrounds

Another possible scenario could be extracting images that are used only as slide backgrounds. The following steps show how to extract slide background images in Java.

The following code sample shows how to extract images from slide backgrounds in a PPT in Java.

// Load the presentation
Presentation pres = new Presentation("presentation.pptx");
com.aspose.slides.IPPImage img = null;
com.aspose.slides.IPPImage backImage = null;
String ImagePath = "BackImage_";
int slideIndex = 0;
String imageType = "";
for (int i = 0; i < pres.getSlides().size(); i++) {
// Access slide
ISlide sl = pres.getSlides().get_Item(i);
// Check if background is filled with picture
if (sl.getBackground().getFillFormat().getFillType() == FillType.Picture) {
// Get the background image
backImage = sl.getBackground().getFillFormat().getPictureFillFormat().getPicture().getImage();
// Save picture
BufferedImage image = backImage.getSystemImage();
imageType = backImage.getContentType();
imageType = imageType.substring(imageType.indexOf("/") + 1, imageType.length());
try {
ImageIO.write(image, imageType,
new File(ImagePath + "Slide_" + slideIndex + "." + imageType.toString()));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// read exception message
} else {
// check if slide layout has image background
if (sl.getLayoutSlide().getBackground().getFillFormat().getFillType() == FillType.Picture) {
// Get the background image
backImage = sl.getLayoutSlide().getBackground().getFillFormat().getPictureFillFormat().getPicture()
// Save image
BufferedImage image = backImage.getSystemImage();
imageType = backImage.getContentType();
imageType = imageType.substring(imageType.indexOf("/") + 1, imageType.length());
try {
ImageIO.write(image, imageType,
new File(ImagePath + "LayoutSlide_" + slideIndex + "." + imageType.toString()));
} catch (IOException ex) {
// read exception message

Java PPT Image Extraction API - Get a Free License

Aspose offers a free temporary license to extract images from PowerPoint PPT without evaluation limitations. You can get one for yourself.


In this article, we have demonstrated how to extract images from PowerPoint PPT/PPTX in Java. In addition, we have covered how to extract images either from the shape or slide backgrounds separately. Besides, you can read more about Aspose.Slides for Java by visiting the documentation. Also, you can post your queries to our forum.

See Also