Introduction to the Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 API
In my previous post, I announced a new release of Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 and briefly touched on some of the new features in the API. This post elaborates on some of the new features and changes in Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0.
API versions prior to Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 were developed in parallel with Aspose.Slides for .NET. So the API’s were different in terms of functionality. A few months back we decided to develop Aspose.
Aspose.Slides autoporting progress, May 28, 2012
Our work to autoport Aspose.Slides for .NET to Java continues. The last time I wrote about autoporting we had worked our way through 60% of our unit tests. We have over 1000 unit tests and need to make sure that they pass on both platforms. We run these tests after we’ve ported the code using CodePorting which ports the code automatically and much more quickly than we could do by hand.
Aspose.Slides autoporting progress, April 30, 2012
Aspose are working to autoport Aspose.Slides for .NET to Java to give users on both platforms the same features. They’re over 60% complete.
Autoporting Aspose.Slides progress, April 10, 2012
When Aspose started designing products, we focused on .NET. Some of our .NET products were very popular and we created versions of them for other platforms. We now also support Java, SharePoint, SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports. The .NET and Java products are similar in many ways: they are components and APIs that software developers use when creating their own applications.
In 2011, we decided to offer Aspose.Words for Java users the same features that our .
Aspose.Cells for Java 7.0.0 released
This product has almost the same features/APIs as Aspose.Cells for .NET. We actually wanted the two products (Aspose.Cells for .NET and Aspose.Cells for Java) to be same as possible but to achieve this we had to manually port the .NET product using line by line for the APIs set to Java. This was very time consuming task but our developers continuously worked on the task to make it possible. To get the two products in line, we developed a process for porting the .
Aspose.Words for .NET 10 - 9 years of product development
New Zealand, Auckland – May 3, 2011 – Aspose.Words for .NET 10 is the culmination of nine years of product development and refinement. Over the years, we have continuously listened to our customers and worked to develop the product in the direction they have asked us.
What’s new? Aspose.Words for .NET introduces a number of new features, for example:Support for table styles in DOC files.Support for Custom XML in WordprocessingML 2003 files.
Aspose.Words for Java 10 released
New Zealand, Auckland – April 29, 2011 – Aspose has Aspose.Words for several platforms. The first product was Aspose.Words for .NET. Aspose.Words for Java came years later. We wanted the two products to be as similar as possible but to achieve this we had to manually port the .NET product, line by line, package by package, to Java. This was time consuming and tedious, our developers can be used better.