Retrieve Raw Properties of Images and Set Locale for Aspose.PDF
We are pleased to announce the monthly release of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8 which is available on Aspose Artifactory for download and to be used in Java Applications. New features and enhancements have been added in the latest release of the API. Along with that, several fixes to bugs reported in the earlier version(s) of the API are also included in this version. Before downloading and using the latest version of the API in your Java Applications, we recommend you go through release notes page of Aspose.
An Improved and Enhanced Java Library to Create and Manipulate PDF Documents
We at Aspose are pleased to announce new version of Aspose.PDF for Java. Aspose.PDF for Java 18.3 has been released and ready to be used in Java Applications. Since we always intend to provide an improved and enhanced Java Library to Aspose APIs Users, we have incorporated bug fixes and improvements in Aspose.PDF for Java 18.3. In case you are going to use latest version of the API in your Java Applications, we recommend you to please visit release notes page of Aspose.