[![NetBeans logo][1] and supports the latest version of NetBeans, 7.4.
This plugin helps you to explore [Aspose Java components][2] inside your favorite NetBeans IDE.
- Aspose New Project creates a new project by downloading and referencing libraries of Aspose Java components.
- Aspose New Project wizard allows you to select Aspose Java components like Aspose.Cells for Java and Aspose.Words for Java.
- Once a specific component is selected, its reference is automatically downloaded from Aspose’s servers and referenced in your project’s classpath.
- With this plugin, you never need to check for new releases of Aspose components. Whenever a new release is published, you are notified while creating project and you can also check release notes.
- Once a project is created using Aspose New Project, you can add Aspose samples using Aspose New File.
For guidance on creating projects using Aspose Project Wizard, read Download and Use Aspose for Java APIs.
NetBeans Verified
Aspose for NetBeans IDE 7.4 is passed by NetBeans verification team so it is now also available on the NetBeans Plugin Portal Update Center.
For convenient installation of this plugin:
In NetBeans 7.4, select Tools and then Plugins.
Click Install.
Source Code Available
The Aspose for NetBeans source code is available on the following major social coding websites:
[![][3] [GitHub][4]
[![][5] [SourceForge][6]
[![][7] [Bitbucket][8]
[![][9] [CodePlex][10]
[1]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/netbeans-logo.png “NetBeans logo”)](https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/netbeans-logo.png)Aspose Project Wizard is now available on [NetBeans Plugin Portal](https://downloads.aspose.com/ [2]: https://www.aspose.com/java/total-component.aspx [3]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/GitHub-Mark-icon2.png “GitHub-Mark-icon”)](https://github.com/asposemarketplace/Aspose_for_NetBeans [4]: https://github.com/asposemarketplace/Aspose_for_NetBeans “GitHub” [5]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/sourceforge-icon2.png “sourceforge-icon”)](https://sourceforge.net/projects/asposenetbeans [6]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/asposenetbeans “SourceForge” [7]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/bitbucket-icon3.png “bitbucket-icon”)](https://bitbucket.org/asposemarketplace/aspose-for-netbeans [8]: https://bitbucket.org/asposemarketplace/aspose-for-netbeans [9]: https://blog.aspose.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/12/codeplex-icon2.png “codeplex-icon”)](https://docs.aspose.com/ [10]: https://docs.aspose.com/