Document Viewer in Java

Document management and sharing have become essential aspects of various industries. Java offers robust frameworks to empower developers to build feature-rich applications. In this blog post, we will explore the Document Viewer in Java and how it can simplify document viewing and collaboration processes.

Java Document Viewer APIs

Document Viewer is an application that allows users to view and interact with different types of documents without requiring the installation of dedicated software. Aspose provides support for different file formats that enable you to manipulate and view the documents in your Java applications.

EPS Document Viewer in Java

Java Document Viewer

Aspose.Page for Java API can be used to manipulate or convert XPS, PS, EPS, etc. You can render these file formats to any of the popular image formats like PNG, JPG, TIFF, etc. for a quick view of the file contents.

// load EPS document from PostScript file
PsDocument document = new PsDocument("input.eps");
//create an instance of ImageSaveOptions
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOption(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
//save EPS as JPEG. One image byte array for one page of the input file
byte [][] images bytes = document.SaveAsImage(device, options);

Moreover, you may visit the resources listed below for in-depth details of offered features and APIs:

Furthermore, you can also take a look at Open EPS File Online - Free EPS File Viewer for more information about EPS Viewer.

DWG Drawing Document Viewer in Java

A DWG drawing can easily be converted to a JPG image with Aspose.CAD for Java. The output image can be viewed on any device or operating system without needing any dedicated software. Simply use the following code snippet to convert DWG to a JPG image in Java:

// Load input DWG file
Image image = Image.load("Test.dwg");
// Create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions
CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions();
// Set page width & height
// Create an instance of JpegOptions for the resultant image
ImageOptionsBase options = new JpegOptions();
// Set rasterization options
// Convert CAD DWG DXF file to JPG image"output_image.jpg" , options);

The list below enumerates different resources to explore working with DWG and other supported file formats.

PUB Publisher Document Viewer in Java

PUB viewer in Java can unlock a world of possibilities for handling Microsoft Publisher files efficiently. With Aspose.PUB for Java, you can create a powerful PUB viewer that enables you to view, navigate, and interact with .pub files seamlessly. The code snippet below shows how to create PUB Viewer in Java:

// Load input PUB file
IPubParser parser = PubFactory.createParser("");
Document doc = parser.parse();
// Convert PUB to PDF file
PubFactory.createPdfConverter().convertToPdf(doc, "Test.pdf");
// Load the PDF file
Document document = new Document("Test.pdf");
facades.PdfFileInfo info = new facades.PdfFileInfo(document);
for (Page page : document.getPages())
// Get page dimensions from the PDF document
int width = (int) info.getPageWidth(page.getNumber());
int height = (int) (info.getPageHeight(page.getNumber()));
// Set resolution for the output image
devices.Resolution resolution = new devices.Resolution(300);
// Create JPEG device with specified Width and Height
devices.JpegDevice jpegDevice = new devices.JpegDevice(width, height , resolution);
// Convert PUB to JPG image
jpegDevice.process(page, "Page" + page.getNumber() + ".jpg");
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PSD Photoshop Document Viewer in Java

You can create a PSD viewer in Java to effortlessly view and work with .psd files. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a PSD Viewer in Java using [Aspose.PSD for Java][].

import com.aspose.psd.Image;
import com.aspose.psd.License;
import com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.PsdImage;
import com.aspose.psd.imageoptions.JpegOptions;
public class PSDToJPG {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String path= "/Users/Documents/KB/TestData/";
// Apply the API license to convert PSD to JPEG
License psdLicence = new License();
psdLicence.setLicense(path + "Conholdate.Total.Product.Family.lic");
//Load a PSD file into PsdImage object
PsdImage psdFile = (PsdImage)Image.load(path + "AllAdjustments.psd");
// Set the desired output JPEG options
JpegOptions jpegOpts = new JpegOptions();
jpegOpts.setJpegLsAllowedLossyError (10);
// Save the exported JPG on the disk + "ConvertedPsd.jpg", jpegOpts);

Whereas, below list compiles some of the features of a PSD Document Viewer in Java:

  • PSD File Opening and Viewing: Open PSD files and display their content accurately while providing a user-friendly interface.
  • Zoom: You can zoom in or zoom out the PSD file contents.
  • Export and Saving Options: PSD viewer primarily focuses on viewing and interacting with PSD files, it also offers export or saving options.
  • And many more…

LaTeX Document Viewer in Java

In the world of scientific and academic writing, LaTeX has become the de facto standard for creating beautifully typeset documents. You can render an LTX or a TeX file to an image to preview its contents without needing any specialized software or plugin. The following sample code shows how to convert a LaTeX file to a PNG image in Java:

// Create conversion options for Object LaTeX format on Object TeX engine extension.
TeXOptions options = TeXOptions.consoleAppOptions(TeXConfig.objectLaTeX());
// Specify the file system working directory for the output.
options.setOutputWorkingDirectory(new OutputFileSystemDirectory(Utils.getOutputDirectory()));
// Initialize the options for saving in JPG format.
options.setSaveOptions(new JpegSaveOptions());
// Run LaTeX to JPG conversion.
new TeXJob(Utils.getInputDirectory() + "helloworld.ltx", new ImageDevice(), options).run();

Online Document Viewer

Online document viewers have revolutionized the way we interact with documents. They offer a multitude of benefits, from accessibility and streamlined management to effortless collaboration and enhanced security. Embracing these digital tools allows individuals and businesses to harness the power of convenience and efficiency. You can access the online document viewer to open and view your files from any device or operating system.

Summing Up

Document Viewer in Java empowers you to integrate robust document-viewing capabilities into your Java applications. By leveraging its features such as document format support, rendering accuracy, navigation, search functionality, customization options, and more, you can deliver a rich and seamless document viewing experience to the users. If you want to discuss any of your concerns, please reach out to us at the free support forum.

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