generate barcode in Python

Barcodes are parallel lines that visually represent data. Different kinds of barcodes use different encodings, like Code 128, Code 39, EAN 13, etc. This article walks you through the details of how to generate barcodes with a few API calls, as well as information about configuring the API.

Python Barcode Generator API - Free Download

Aspose.BarCode for Python via .NET is a feature-rich library to work with different types of barcodes. You can create one-dimensional or two-dimensional barcodes like EAN, Datamatrix, Code39, etc. from within your applications. You may download the package or install it from PyPI with the following pip command in the console:

pip install aspose-barcode-for-python-via-net 

How to Generate a Barcode in Python

You need to follow the steps below to generate a Barcode using Python:

  • Initialize an instance of the BarcodeGenerator class and set barcode encoding.
  • Generate a barcode with the save method.

The code snippet below demonstrates how to generate a barcode using Python:

import aspose.barcode as barcode
# Initialize BarcodeGenerator class object
generator = barcode.generation.BarcodeGenerator(barcode.generation.EncodeTypes.CODE128, "Aspose.BarCode")
# Generate barcode in Python"generate-barcode.png")

Add Caption in Barcodes using Python

Sometimes captions are added to barcodes for different reasons, like product name, price, size, quantity, etc. You can add captions above, under, or on both sides of it. You need to follow the steps below to add captions to a barcode.

  • Instantiate an object of the BarcodeGenerator class.
  • Specify the encoding type and the barcode text.
  • Set the boolean flags and the text for the CaptionAbove or CaptionBelow properties.
  • Finally, export the barcode with the save method.

The sample code below elaborates on how to add captions to a barcode using Python.

import aspose.barcode as barcode
# Initialize BarcodeGenerator class object
generator = barcode.generation.BarcodeGenerator(barcode.generation.EncodeTypes.CODE128, "Aspose.BarCode")
# Set captions
generator.parameters.caption_above.text = "The caption above."
generator.parameters.caption_above.visible = True
generator.parameters.caption_below.text = "The caption below."
generator.parameters.caption_below.visible = True;
# Generate Barcode in Python"generate-barcode-caption.png")
generate barcode with caption in python

Python Barcode Generator - Get a Free License

You can test Aspose’s features and capabilities with a free evaluation license. Please request a free temporary license to try the library without any limitations.

Generate Barcode Online

You may try our online barcode generator web app that was created with this API. You can access it for free, without any sign-up, at the link below:

How to Generate Python Barcode - Read More

You can learn more about generating barcodes and try other features of Aspose.BarCode for Python via .NET with the resources listed below:


In conclusion, this article has explained how to generate barcodes in Python. Moreover, you have also learned different approaches to modify the barcode rendering process like enabling, disabling, or changing the captions as per your requirements. Whereas, in case of any queries, please feel free to reach out to us at forum.

See Also